Supermarket Bags

‘ Controversy on the bags of supermercados’ ‘ When it went crossing an avenue in a city of the interior I came across myself with two madames arguing. As it is a put into motion avenue, full of store and taverns, I stopped one of the store opposite and I gave myself with discusso.’ ‘ I do not know what I am making here, losing my time with you, said one of them, poor one is a disaster! For the garbage if it even discovers that it is of poor person! Your lixeira lives full of sacolinhas of supermarket, making propaganda of them, estufada with your garbage! ‘ ‘ Poor person is you, talked back to another one __’ ‘ poor person, is who handle sacolinhas, fattening a black garbage bag with them and she does not have creativity to reuse them! ‘ ‘ It is truth, I I reuse the bags of supermarket, not for being poor, but because taste to protect the Environment, and with this exploitation I am making my part! Which the difference between placing garbage in a black bag, moored with ribbon, if the content of it is garbage? All the bags with garbage have destination the same, are black they or colorings, as the bags of super! Already I understood, you is a person who lives only of the appearances! To argue with somebody on the continent, which is accomodated the debris, with the concern to exhibit the bag prettiest is not to have the capacity to reflect on mazelas of the World! I do not have more words to argue with you! He continues with the black bags, therefore I go to continue reusing sacolinhas why thus, I am saving mine little dinheirinho. I am not given the futilidades, what the others will go to say about my garbage! My concern is with your relatives who do not use the beautiful black bags, to imitate trying you to hide the content and with this, goes playing the dismissable bottles for the street to obstruct the boeiros and to collaborate so that the waters of rains do not have the outflow that they must have! In this offended retruca: __Isso is not problem mine! __Meus relatives live 0f the sort they! My problem is with you! __Por what!? __J I know! The busilis of the question are not the destination of sacolinhas of the supermarkets, but the envy that you daily feel when seeing that before going to the work, my husband, the Antenor, of the o certain destination to the garbage, in a bag well amarradinha in which he goes taking only the dry garbage, that is not garbage, therefore the humid garbage is spread by the Land, in the yard, that if he transforms into seasoning to strenghten the plants, the hortalias, which you admire of yours window with will of participating since the elaboration of the seedbeds until the glorious harvest of beautiful borecole leves, salsinha, will almeiro at least harvested fresquinhas without wastefulness of a leaf, while you, spends in the supermarkets with the purchase of these products already with yellowish leves, badly cheirosas and pods not to usufruct of that great man folloies who me and that as much you admire!. .

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