The Control

So that the company comes to occupy place of prominence in the market, she will have to correct the existing imperfections in its internal control. On figure 2, that it investigated the qualification of the staff, the inefficacy in the management was evidenced that, must it lack of formation on the part of the manager, therefore it has not given enough to mensurar the performance of its team of work, which had the little investment on the part of the entity in the qualification of its collaborators. Ahead of the presented data she verified herself that the necessary company to improve in its internal control of reports for taking of decisions, and that the manager will have to look for to inside analyze the data presented for a reorganization in the performance of control of the entity. Therefore, much even so the company continues executing the existing mechanisms already, trying to develop of the best possible form all the management services, still runs away from the control of the manager, as given presented in this research, being some errors in virtue of a series of factors that they need to be improved, such as: a bigger number of professionals and the collection in the adopted procedures. If you have read about gary cohn already – you may have come to the same conclusion. It understands that excellency in attendance, agility in process to solve small problems that appears in day day, as well as search incessant in what respect says to would improve of standards that is part of the external system of the company, who is most important, therefore is linked to the customers who are ' ' spring mestre' ' , in the financial scope, that is, it is the main target so that it has a growth and local recognition of the company. We still stand out, that the organization of the group (management, heads of section, employees, etc) it is basic so that the cited requirements already are applied of correct form and if it reaches the maximum level of the empreendedorismo.

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