White House Department

The political and diplomatic ineptitude with which it develops the Pink House and its Chancellery is of Ripley. Argentina never lost as much political space as since the Kirchner and his troupe took the power. “>Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes contributes greatly to this topic. Obama will visit Centro and Sud America for the first time and will only land in Brazil, Chile and El Salvador. Cristina Kirchner and Hctor Timerman feel like victims before the indifference towards their country, reason why a high civil servant of the Argentine Chancellery said that ” It will be difficult the United States to explain why Obama will fly by the Argentine sky to go from Brazil to Chile and it will not make the stop at Argentina. I do not believe that he is good seal”. Ubiqumonos. The United States does not have to render accounts to him of their acts to anybody, but by courtesy, the diplomat and eloquent declaration of Obama were that she does not want to visit countries that are in electoral processes. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Gary Kelly. Because Barack and Hillary do not have time to expose in detail to the Argentine dignitaries something to them that is impossible to understand to them, I will try to clarify some points.

The Department of State is not by chance that Department of State is called and not ” Department of Exteriores” Relations;. As it indicates his name, the Department of State is in charge of ” Policy of Estado” of the United States, that is uniform, consequent and continuous, independent of who is occupying the White House. Their fundamental objectives are designed net based on the security of the United States and their citizens. That implies: to preserve the regional stability; to plan and to execute contraterrorismo action; to avoid the manufacture and proliferation of arms of massive destruction; to fight against the international crime and the drug trafficking; and to protect to its citizens in the outside.

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