
To condemn and to order for the chain are urgent. To return the deviated money is more than what necessary and urgent. It is JUSTICE case. Also in the Judiciary one. But he knows when the dismissed ministers and its accomplices will go to return the deviated money, that caused its resignations? Never. The OAB grew the number of candidates. Others including Netsuite, offer their opinions as well.

It grew in number of disapproved. Parents as Brazil, possess more courses of Right that the proper Europe. The number of worked days grew of frightful form to fatten the account collected taxes, in special for the wage-earning diligent classroom. 194 days work alone to pay taxes. The greed of the federal government in collecting each time more, relation to the taxes of the foodstuffs grew. Cases of taxations exist to be charged in up to five times. Brazil presents an unusual paradigm. It is one of the producing greaters of foodstuffs of the world and majority of the Brazilians and Brazilians, do not obtain to adjust its wages with the practised prices, in relation its basic basket.

The price of the bovine meat reaches something as 18,00 R$ the kilo of one cut of second. One kilo of meat of first R$ 28,00. The arroba of the ox is being negotiated R$ 103,80. If to make an account of baker multiplying R$ 28,00 for 15 kilos (an arroba weighs 15 kilos) we will have a result of rude R$ 420,00. This is the price that we pay. The refrigerating industry has its costs and must profit, therefore she is a lender of services. But exactly thus it has a escorchante tax of taxes to be paid. Result. The price of the bovine meat in terms of Brazil is not very distant of the paid prices in import countries. Unhappyly the Sole tax considered by the Prof.Marcos Cintra opposes the powerful ones, that they profit from the chaos current tributary. Brazil needs structural reforms. We could initiate for the implantation of the Pure District Vote. then all we poor voters, will go remembering in them in who vote and will be able to charge of direct form everything what the elect candidate promised, as well as its performance in the legislative houses. The fear grows of that the integrant ones of the mensalo are acquitted, Grows the fear of the equipment of the State for the partido of the red flag with its stonewashed star. Unhappyly the Brazilian people believes what the candidates promise to it, when its inflamed speeches and demaggicos, they promise that the hinterland goes to turn sea

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