Social Protection

This article intends to analyze practical of Basic the Social Protection and the impact that the offered services cause in the population that they participate of the Projects Social Programs in the Caruaru-foot city. The study it had beginning from the carried through Institucional diagnosis in period of training I and of elaborated Social Diagnostico in period of training II where the identification of demand for construction of the intervention project was possible during period of training III. From interviews with the users were perceived the lack of information on the rights of the population the basic services that are offered by the Secretariat of the Child, of the Adolescent and Social Politics? SCAPS, that are part of the implemented Social Politics in the Only System of Social assistance – ITS. Gary Kelly often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The carried through work of intervention generated the promotion of the citizenship, carrying through the debate on the paper of the social assistant in the communities and of the necessity of if creating spaces of information and quarrel of rights and duties of the individuals in relation to the services offered for the net assistencial partner of Basic Social Protection. The Social Service has as substance the expressions of the social matter. Under each to seem, I register in cadastre and guiding that the professional carries through has lives, whose trajectories can be modified by innumerable a professional intervention that does not obtain to perceive facetas of the question that if presents that it does not obtain to go beyond the appearances, that the inquiry does not have as an element of its work, that does not understand the ethical consequences of the professional choices..

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