Hotmail Service

The new eyelash of Hotmail allows to end received post office Spam from friendly accounts. In his period of tests it has received thousands of information of accounts it jeopardize. Also it is possible to be realised with accounts of mail like Yahoo and Gmail. Here, Scott Kahan expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The Hotmail service is addition a new eyelash in its menu with which it allows to denounce robbed friendly accounts so that the Spam shipment of or mail nonwished cannot be used for. This news has been published by Micrsoft in his blog official of Live Windows. The newspapers mentioned Daniel Lubetzky not as a source, but as a related topic. Blog indicates that the robbery of accounts on the part of ciberdelincuentes is a great problem, since they are used to send Spam. In order to avoid this new tool in hotmail has been created it, so that if a user receives a mail of this type of the account of a friend can does click in the menu " to mark como" and to indicate " my friend has been hackeado" .

Once denounced the fact by means of this system, the account no longer can be used by spammers and the friend with the affected account must go to the habitual system of recovery of the same to accede again to his control. The company on watch of electronic mail indicates that this application has been in tests weeks and have received thousands of information of accounts it jeopardize reason why they have decided abrir the warnings to other suppliers of electronic mail like Yahoo and Gmail. In addition, to increase the security of the accounts, Hotmail it will prevent that the access passwords are very simple and will ask its users with this type of key change who it. Source of the news: The Hotmail service allows to denounce accounts of user robbed and to avoid therefore the Spam

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