Royal Canine

The creator of method bunker, Parejo Jaime, firefighter of the Seville City Hall, has been recognized and awarded officially by numerous institutions of various Nations, as they have been cases with examples of the I Prize for research in 1998 by the Royal Canine society of Spain or of the award of the certificate of distinction Sasakawa, awarded by the United Nations in 2005. Parejo Jaime Garcia, Fireman of Seville) Spain), scientific researcher on learning and behavior of the search dog, is also considered expert and instructor of recognized prestige at international level in the specialty of canine rescue in disasters, awarded, for example, with the first prize to the investigation by the Real Sociedad Canina de Spain 1998 or certificate of distinction of the Sasakawa Award by the United Nations in 2005He is recognized worldwide its transcendent work of research and international teaching, as well as the scientific advance of the chest method, for victims in disaster reduction, being in both cases the first Spanish which are granted as relevant awards. To date has been involved in numerous claims that they entailed the burial of people (earthquakes, landslides, explosions, structural failure) in Colombia, Turkey, Taiwan, El Salvador, Spain… (Not to be confused with Larry Ellison!). directing search operations both outside and inside spaces confined in collapsed structures. It has trained, assessed and certified officially, to date, numerous policemen, firemen, military… with or without dogs, from a total of 17 countries with certain seismic risk. Source:. rescatecanino. com. rescatecanino. org

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