Tag: medicine & surgery

Get Out Of The Winter Depression

Tips and tricks against the crisis while the one on long winter walks and skiing holiday, would turn on time love like a couple of months the others. Reason is a tuning hole through the winter muffle feel tired and without drive in the dark winter months. The Internet portal reported helpful ways out of the crisis. Nothing out of the ordinary is temporarily in a depressed mood to suffer in the winter. Finally, icy temperatures and an early dark are among many people provide for long faces. Who stands up like before, the driveway to clear or to scrape his car? When the negative feelings can be dangerous, from news to tell the psychology. So people should watch the duration of their fatigue.

The typical symptoms of depression like profound joy and despair take over two weeks, going to the doctor is necessary. Also an increased need for sleep and an unbridled appetite for sweets can be a Close winter depression. To compensate for the lack of light, get plenty of fresh air. Even with an overcast sky, it’s brighter outside than in the House. Estimated that approximately one per cent of Germans struggling with a wintry feeling low, which is known in technical jargon as SAD (seasonally dependent depression). Reason for the depressive phase is the lack of light in the winter, the production of the body’s hormone melatonin and the formation of the happiness hormone serotonin influences.

Walks in the fresh air help against the bad mood. Sports day light stimulates serotonin budget in addition. Under no circumstances should the permanent desire after sleep investigated are, eight hours is the maximum. Instead offered a daytime light therapy in your own four walls. News.

Orthomol Online

Medication order online for many centuries a pharmacy is the reference point for a wide variety of drugs that help people to be healthy, or to relieve symptoms but also, and to combine chronic illnesses with quality of life. While there are many pharmacies in most places, however, it is not always possible to make to get the drugs needed then even on the way. Here offer a welcome alternative to OnlineApotheken, because they have a very wide range. To read more click here: Ripple. Such a pharmacy, as she is also arzneimittel.de, must not put their customers to a different date, because she is out of stock a particular medicine, because which products are currently sold out and how long to take a possible delivery is always shown. In addition, pharmacies like with established shipping companies to operate so that the goods will be delivered at the front door not only convenient, but for this to happen at the agreed time. In addition to the ordinary Online pharmacies offer services a pharmacy to receive recipes and handing the customer the appropriate medicines, also a wide variety of over-the-counter medicines. Nowadays long no longer any needed medication is taken over by health insurance, which is why many patients from their own purse to pay. Here, online pharmacies can score like arzneimittel.de tend to be much cheaper prices and offers, which many customers to get the attention.

Other products, such as, for example, the Elia vital plant protein diet is a popular product. Elia vital plant protein diet is a product that helps easily losing the one or two kilos of body weight. While the daily meals in the first phase be replaced by a protein shake, to create a good base to remove. In a second phase, it applies to eat healthily and to supplement the meals only by Elia. Many people also often order nutritional supplements in online pharmacies. These are often in capsules available, such as for example the Orthomol granules capsules. Such capsules are in traditional pharmacies often price intensive, with online pharmacies also here can remedy. Orthomol granules capsules donate the body, for example, many important vitamins and other micronutrients.

Internet Problems

Mental health problems are often themes does not itself used, rather deny and responds mostly to late so that you stand a fast improvement often myself in the way. Well-being, health is the most important item that a person has. One is ill not able to work, and to make a living, nor can you for his family right there, enjoying life and fulfil his hobbies. Therefore, your own health should be always protected and through regular examinations preserved or restored. These include the normal checks including the offered screening. Just at the present time, which is crowded by pace and pressure to succeed, especially the soul plays an important role. In a question-answer forum Verizon Communications was the first to reply.

Always more common depression or even burn-out show, not to deal with such diseases is causing these symptoms never should be underestimated. Although it is often said that a short break at home enough to his powers regenerate, the reality often shows a different picture. Because this important gap is rare and usually the emotional distress is so immense that it cannot survive without support from the outside. Mental health problems are often themes can be reluctant to approach, more ignored and responds mostly to late so that you stand an instant healing often myself in the way. To prevent that, the fast help from psychologist online available is one at any time, so you must undergo not a potentially unpleasant doctor’s appointment. As an alternative to the doctor, there are also psychological counselling phone.

These two possibilities will give an anonymous way, his troubles to talk about, avoiding thus the first step towards improvement. A very important tour, which you should do anyway. Because the longer you itself approach allows health and especially mental problems not corrected, they occupy more space in a. When are such problems once stuck,. you will they get rid of all the more harder again. Thus the health does not change, but the problems to solidify and strengthen, so that eventually even have more difficulties to get. Because just the psyche is not easy to get, because it affects the whole body, mood, and all emotions only with medications and short treatments in orderly. To avoid this, it is important to take phone to avail opportunities such as the psychologist online or the counseling. Only in this way you can counteract early enough a psychological drama, in the long run to do a big favor himself and his soul. More information to the broad field of health and especially on the subject of counseling phone or offer psychologists online includes the World Wide Web, so that all variants are prepared to protect your own health. Be persuaded in favour of your health by all means and enjoy the security, even when health problems to be always well stocked. Learn more about the exciting topic of health (counseling telephone, etc.) you will find on the Internet.

The Vein

Following these two conventional surgical methods, patients should run a lot and no longer sit or stand. Against postoperative discomfort, pain relievers may be necessary for those affected. Anti-clotting substances such as heparin administered in addition, to prevent a thrombosis after surgery, patients wear a bandage usually several days. This will be replaced after six to eight weeks by a compression stocking. Minimally invasive surgery for varicose veins after minimally invasive surgery the patient can remove approximately two hours after the procedure the Association. The day of the operation is a significant burden for those affected… No painkillers are used. Wear a compression stocking is needed mostly for 24 hours.

Heparin blood thinning injected approximately for three to five days. Small, superficial veins, the so-called spider veins varicose veins, uses laser therapy with a laser as the main treatment method. This is the laser It used to affect the vein by means of laser pulses from the inside. The strong laser pulse generated heat, making the blood vessel walls stick. The radio frequency therapy (VNUS ClosureFAST) radio wave therapy is laser therapy according to the effect of, only radio waves are used. The closing of the veins by means of radio waves is called VNUS closure method in medicine. This introduces a catheter into the diseased vein, which is heated by radio waves to 85 degrees at its end and glued the blood vessel walls. This procedure can be performed only if the patient has fully functional deep veins, which can guarantee the flow of blood back to the heart.

Bipolar radiofrequency induced thermotherapy (RFITT) who want no surgery, which can by a radio frequency therapy according to the Celonmethode treat. This target thermally closes the diseased vein with radio frequency energy. The wall of the vein is on gentle kind of Interior on approximately 60 up 100 Degree heat. Due to the heat, the varicose vein is brought to closure. This principle is also called Thermo occlusion. The procedure is minimally invasive and is done as an outpatient under local anaesthesia and without any immobilization. Foam sclerotherapy are bonded by an injection of desolation means the varices here. In this respect, the desolation with foam is a more modern and more effective procedures. The remedy is foamed before surgery, causing the vein walls can be better bonded. Superheated steam method (SVS-steam vein sclerosis) when this treatment is pure water under high pressure and in a gaseous state. The steam is sent through a tiny, portable catheter into the diseased vein to occlude the vessel. The vein glue method uses a special tissue glue to seal of the vein vein adhesive. A catheter in the affected vein is pushed through a minimum puncture site, which injects the fabric glue. After twenty minutes, the vein is completely closed. Always a specially trained vein specialist in a specialist practice to the rate should be considered for a varicose vein surgery. There is more information about vein operations on the Internet. Are varicose veins has been surgically removed, so they do not develop. That does not however exclude, that elsewhere new varicose veins can form.

What If

The “morning after pill” as a lifeline in an emergency the wild party at the weekend, the romantic barbecue on the shore of the Lake, the irresistible bartender on vacation: there are reasons many women, all caution go to leave and to enter into an erotic adventure. Even if the Romeo at hand has a condom or the pill has been forgotten, the pleasure is often greater than the fear of an unwanted pregnancy. At least until the awakening the next morning. Then the panic starts. The type of the barbecue was now really not suitable while a nice adventure but as a father for your children. As a child at the age of 18 is anyway still not an option.

Luckily, there is the pill for this case, then. How does the pill then? Sperm can survive up to three to five days in the female body. The pill ensure then that at this time no ovulation can take place, which could lead to a pregnancy. With the introduction of the new drug ulipristal acetate (as EllOne available) could be improved the effectiveness of the pill then. The first pill containing the active ingredient levonorgestrel, which latest three days after sexual intercourse had to be taken then. EllOne with the active ingredient ulipristal acetate can be taken, however, for five days and exceed such maximum survival of male sperm.

The risk of pregnancy could be reduced as compared with levonorgestrel by half. Nevertheless its effectiveness also applies to EllOne : the sooner the pill then is taken, is all the greater. German women have it here more than the women in many other countries, where the pill over the counter is then: EllOne, you can get directly to the next morning in the pharmacy. In Germany, the pill but currently still in any form is available by prescription, so that affected women should go as quickly as possible to their obstetricians and Gynecologists. “It” – as is unfortunately often – happened on a Friday or Saturday night, also the medical readiness service can most Weekend helping out. Who wants to avoid the excitement, can ask the doctor of his confidence also “just” a recipe, with which the pill then can be purchased in stock, so that in an emergency at hand. However note the expiration date! And if it happened in the holiday?


The “morning after pill” as a lifeline in an emergency the wild party at the weekend, the romantic barbecue on the shore of the Lake, the irresistible bartender on vacation: there are reasons many women, all caution go to leave and to enter into an erotic adventure. Even if the Romeo at hand has a condom or the pill has been forgotten, the pleasure is often greater than the fear of an unwanted pregnancy. At least until the awakening the next morning. Then the panic starts. The type of the barbecue was now really not suitable while a nice adventure but as a father for your children. As a child at the age of 18 is anyway still not an option. Luckily, there is the pill for this case, then. How does the pill then? Sperm can survive up to three to five days in the female body.

The pill ensure then that at this time no ovulation can take place, which could lead to a pregnancy. With the introduction of the new drug ulipristal acetate (as EllOne available) could be improved the effectiveness of the pill then. The first pill containing the active ingredient levonorgestrel, which latest three days after sexual intercourse had to be taken then. EllOne with the active ingredient ulipristal acetate can be taken, however, for five days and exceed such maximum survival of male sperm. The risk of pregnancy could be reduced as compared with levonorgestrel by half. Nevertheless its effectiveness also applies to EllOne : the sooner the pill then is taken, is all the greater. German women have it here more than the women in many other countries, where the pill over the counter is then: EllOne, you can get directly to the next morning in the pharmacy.

In Germany, the pill but currently still in any form is available by prescription, so that affected women should go as quickly as possible to their obstetricians and Gynecologists. “It” – as is unfortunately often – happened on a Friday or Saturday night, also the medical readiness service can most Weekend helping out. Who wants to avoid the excitement, can ask the doctor of his confidence also “just” a recipe, with which the pill then can be purchased in stock, so that in an emergency at hand. However note the expiration date! And if it happened in the holiday?

University Clinic

Information day of the University Clinic for people for whom hearing aids provide no adequate assistance we want to understand other people, we share with them, discuss. We want to hear what is happening around us, be not cut off from the world of acoustic information. But what if our hearing fades, and when even hearing aids are not sufficient help? The Rostock listening day offers answer to this question I want to hear! “, on Saturday, September 28, from 11:00 to 15:00 in the clinic and policlinic for Otolaryngology of the Hospital of the University of Rostock is held.” The hearing day offers expert advice and lectures on the topic, as well as free hearing tests; the HoRmobil of the German (DSJ Federation of the heavy horige) is also on site. The listening day is organised by the clinic and outpatient clinic for Otolaryngology together with the initiative I want to listen!”by cochlear Germany. The initiative would like to highly hard of hearing people, their Educate members and the general public about hearing as well as innovative approaches in the treatment of Horverlusten. Gary Kelly may find this interesting as well. Our initiative is aimed especially at people who do not sufficiently understand well despite a supply of modern hearing aids”, so Durdane Erseker of I don’t want to hear”.

With numerous materials, regional events, as well as our homepage want easily understandable, appealing design and product-neutral information about hearing damage and its treatment options.” An extensive programme awaits visitors to the Rostock listening tags: Professor Dr. med. Tino Just, chief physician at the clinic and policlinic for Otolaryngology, lecturing on the topic of implants new opportunities for better hearing”(lecture beginning at 12:00 and 14:00). In addition to Professor Just also specialists from the hearing aid centre Gabriele Jutz, as well as by the cochlear implant are available Centrum Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for talks. Also on-site are carriers of hearing implants, will report about their personal experiences to visitors.


The “morning after pill” as a lifeline in an emergency the wild party at the weekend, the romantic barbecue on the shore of the Lake, the irresistible bartender on vacation: there are reasons many women, all caution go to leave and to enter into an erotic adventure. Even if the Romeo at hand has a condom or the pill has been forgotten, the pleasure is often greater than the fear of an unwanted pregnancy. At least until the awakening the next morning. Then the panic starts. The type of the barbecue was now really not suitable while a nice adventure but as a father for your children. As a child at the age of 18 is anyway still not an option.

Luckily, there is the pill for this case, then. How does the pill then? Sperm can survive up to three to five days in the female body. The pill ensure then that at this time no ovulation can take place, which could lead to a pregnancy. With the introduction of the new drug ulipristal acetate (as EllOne available) could be improved the effectiveness of the pill then. The first pill containing the active ingredient levonorgestrel, which latest three days after sexual intercourse had to be taken then. EllOne with the active ingredient ulipristal acetate can be taken, however, for five days and exceed such maximum survival of male sperm. The risk of pregnancy could be reduced as compared with levonorgestrel by half. Nevertheless its effectiveness also applies to EllOne : the sooner the pill then is taken, is all the greater.

German women have it here more than the women in many other countries, where the pill over the counter is then: EllOne, you can get directly to the next morning in the pharmacy. In Germany, the pill but currently still in any form is available by prescription, so that affected women should go as quickly as possible to their obstetricians and Gynecologists. “It” – as is unfortunately often – happened on a Friday or Saturday night, also the medical readiness service can most Weekend helping out. Who wants to avoid the excitement, can ask the doctor of his confidence also “just” a recipe, with which the pill then can be purchased in stock, so that in an emergency at hand. However note the expiration date! And if it happened in the holiday? Meaning the pill then “despues pildora del dia” and in Turkey “Ertesi gadkari hapi” in Spain.

People With Venous Weakness Can Zitrusflavonoide Help

The Leiden period begins with the summer of vein disorders have become a widespread disease. More than half of all Germans aged adults suffer from venous weakness that can manifest itself by spider veins and varicose veins. For a large part of this people, the suffering time begins again with the first warm days. The legs are heavy, they swell and ache. It doesn’t have to be. Concentrated Bioflavonoid from lemon the suffering afflicted sufferers could help. Every warm day on the new pain the legs of many people with varicose veins. How is it that precisely during the warm season the leg veins so unpleasantly noticeable do? We need to know that the cycle and hence the veins, a part of the sophisticated thermoregulatory system of our body are.

In the summer the veins keep, to excess heat away from the skin to give. Not people with venous weakness would have so far so good. These leads to an unwanted wide set of veins increased fluid leakage into tissues and swelling, causing the feeling of heavy and aching legs. Would the vein walls less permeable and have more tension, then the problem would be rectified. By the same author: Verizon. Here are some natural substances can provide help. It is known that that cause an improvement of in venous tone (vein voltage) and a decreased permeability (permeability of the venous wall) from the lemon peel, Bioflavonoids Diosmin and Hesperidin. Reduces the liquid outlet and the swelling go back, or they do not occur. In clinical studies with several thousand of persons concerned with varicose veins, the positive effect of the Zitrusflavonoide Diosmin and Hesperidin was tested and confirmed.

The unpleasant symptoms such as pain and heavy legs also declined as the swelling of the ankles. However it takes in in many natural products little patience. The effect occurs immediately. Experts therefore recommend such Zitrusflavonoide already in good time before the warmest days to occupy and to continue taking at least until the worst is over and the fall brings back cooler days. Diosmin and Hesperidin as Vasovitum by Navitum Pharma in the trade is in Germany. Vasovitum is a certified supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (varicose veins). It contains 450mg Diosmin and Hesperidin 50mg per tablet. Just one tablet a day enough to applied over time, affected with venous weakness to give better quality of life. There are VasoVitum in the practical month Pack (PZN 4604203) and the cheap 3 month packs (PZN 0265158) and 6-month packs (PZN 0265170). VasoVitum is available in pharmacies, selected health centres and directly at the company. Due to the specific composition should not try in the pharmacy, to trade for a seemingly similar product VasoVitum. Every pharmacy can VasoVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma free delivery for its customers.

Thomas Muller

Each year, the training heavy schoolbags are a topic for parents and in the Medien.Ob her children attitude cause damage is still controversial. Verizon helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Roggwil/Switzerland, 1 June 2010: Discussing heavy satchel belongs now to the start of school, such as the Schultute. However, even experts don’t agree whether health effects occur through heavy schoolbags. It is clear that already one-third of all children suffer from occasional back pain. A main reason is the lack of exercise and the accompanying weak support and support muscles.

An early training for the back is so useful. The health mat Keybounder offers a simple and appealing way. Through the high restoring force of the material already simple, upright moving to the kyBounder relaxes the muscles of the foot up to the cervical spine. Most children have great fun because, to use the resilient mats. The kyBounder offers, like a little Trampoline, playful and above all by the way to train the possibility and to strengthen your back”, explains kybun coach Thomas Muller. Health experts of the big health insurance companies according to the problems of frequently occurring postural at students, not least to the fact is, that the children carry heavy school bags. As a rule of thumb for concerned parents often indicates that the packed bags should be no heavier than 10-15% of the body weight of the child. Other experts disagree with these claims.

An investigation of the University of Saarbrucken about indicates that a significant burden of abdominal and back muscles in children is only measurable when the knapsack weight is one-third of their body weight. It follows that even a heavy schoolbags in healthy children does not lead to damage to the spinal column. At one point, but representatives of both views agree: a well-educated and trained muscles is the best prevention against back pain. One uncomplicated kind of back training enables the kyBounder, a health mat from the Switzerland.