Tag: economy


In the search for hand of cheap workmanship the companies, for example, use the practical one of the act of contract of women for the services which demand little professional qualification. Still, the impersonal relation between producers and consumers, between which it has a different distribution of to be able, demands as consequence a great sense of indifference, apathy, and same the reliable loss in the proper considered system desumano. When a worker does not possess the due confidence in its head, and determined head he does not trust its manager, the production relations are harmed or ruined in all the levels. As such systems they are generated and kept for human beings, this estranhamento can, finally, provoke a collapse of the system. A time that the production, commerce and financial operations are part of a globalizado system, the collapse in part of it can unchain a reaction in world-wide chain of failures, as it occurred, for example, in the global crisis provoked by the bankruptcy of some companies hosted in the United States and badly managed, in 2008.

The power brando the global corporations, to defend its interests count, still, with the called one to be able structural brando (or soft to power ). As defined for Nye (2004, P. 05), the power brando is refletido in the capacity of if to obtain the results of its preference coing-opt the people instead of coagiz them. Therefore, one is about the capacity of an actor to give form to the preferences of another actor, through its power of attraction and seduction. The power brando is more than persuasion, therefore the people are taken to agree for if feeling attracted by what determined actor she represents. An attraction nor always determines the preferences of one definitive actor, but, certainly, it can modify its perception and, indirectly, influence the result desired for the actor with the power brando.

Roger Agnelli

It is not for another reason that a series of industrial investments aiming at to the exportation comes being postponed in the country and some companies are leaving the country. Of another side, it can be perceived clearly that the balance of approximately US$ 21 billion in this year (until September 2009), comes being pulled for the sales of basic products whereas the importations of intermediate products and industrial goods come strong growing. This factor shows clearly the Dutch Illness in the country, that is, the trade balance is surplus, the rocking of payments in balance, however had only Brazilian competitiveness in commodities. The claims of the addressed President SQUID to the company Valley of the River Candy so that it increases the aggregate value investing in the production of the steel do not obtain reply, therefore the problem is not in the desire or not of its CEO, Mr. Roger Agnelli. The yield is conditional that will only appear the depreciated taxes of exchange more. The claim would have to be made to the monetary authorities in the conduction of the exchange politics.

In this direction, it gains relevance and deserve applauses the fact of the Government SQUID to be assaying one politics of selective control of capitals with valuation of IOF in October of 2009 in the financial operations of short term, but that is little. She is necessary more, much more! Given the chances that Brazil will have in the next decade it urges that the administrators of the economic policy stop a shock against the chronic appreciation of the Real. This is the main obstacle so that the country comes back to grow robustly. The national industry is also the main factor of risk. Of certain, an inflation tax a little more raised given exchange depreciation will be felt and will have, at a first moment, wage losses. But the proper economic growth will put in charge for the side of the demand for recompor work these losses. It also has an excellent aspect on the inflation, therefore considering the existing idle capacity in some industrial sectors, can be reduced the weight of fixed costs and fixed financial incubencies on the companies, opening space for the reduction of prices the medium and long run contributing to neutralize the inflation generated for the exchange. Brazil has an extraordinary possibility of in such a way alavancar its growth in the next decade in the industrial area, extrativa and agricultural, since that it decisively faces the Dutch Illness that it is depreciating and that case will depreciate the exchange tax still more nothing is made. (*) Vitor Bellizia, 42 years, is executive financier, graduated and postgraduate Administration for the EAESP-FGV, professor of financial administration of the Cautious College of Moraes and Local ProfessorFinanas of the FGV/RJ. She was Vice-president of the ANFAVEA. (2005/07)

Countable Indices

This aspect is importantssimo for the definition concerning the necessity or of a supplier not to prove financial capacity through the analysis of the countable demonstrations, a time that only in the modality competition the note gotten in the evaluation of the financial capacity of the Decree n 36,601 is considered obligator picture 1 defines competition of the public licitations inside; MODALITY CHARACTERISTIC CONCORRNCIAa) Workmanships and Services of Engineering above of R$ 1.500.000, 00; b) Purchases and other services above of R$ 650,000, 00. PICTURE 1? Modalities of licitation – Competition Source: Elaborated second research in the official site of 3,2 UFRJ 2009 COUNTABLE ANALYSIS So that if it can speak of Analysis, initially it will be started displaying a stretch of Neves and Viceconti (2002, P. 437): Analysis is a method of preparation of statistical data and analysis of rockings is the study of the patrimonial situation of the entity, through the decomposition, comparison and interpretation of the content of the countable, aiming at to get analytical and necessary information on the general situation of the company, with the objective to supply numerical information of two or more periods, in order to assist or to instrument shareholders, administrators, suppliers, customers, government, financial institutions, investing demonstrations and other interested physical or legal people in knowing the situation of the company or to take decisions. Gary Kelly brings even more insight to the discussion. According to Matarazzo (2008): The analysis of the countable demonstrations consists basically of relating numbers that express values that isolated do not have greater meant. The Government of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul has special interest in removed liquidify ratios and indebtedness of the Countable Demonstrations of the companies. Such interest must it the necessity have a position how much to the financial reality of the companies and can be verified by the choice of the constant indices in the Table of Countable Indices.. Philip Vasan shines more light on the discussion.

Latin America

In the start of the crisis many companies had started to speculate to justify the increase prices of products and services, but this provoked falls of sales and increase of supplies. Today the prices had returned to a reasonable platform. The supplies of the international market are very low, therefore, little were bought in last the 3 months, therefore, the demand for products to supply the supplies already are being a natural trend in this beginning of 2009, what it will provoke an increase of industrial production. The affected exportations more will be that envoy for the Europe, therefore, the fear devastates the population of that region, making with that the people do not consummate and not having consumption, does not have production and automatically it will generate unemployment. Brazilian we must be intent, but to consume products must be of natural form, so that the Brazilian economy continues to grow in the next years. Climatic tragedies will only be able to confuse the development of the country or the skepticism of its population economic. Brazil always was land of chances, but the Brazilian economic system very dynamic and is well normatizado what in them it brings a parcel of security and as main route of international investments for 2009 in Latin America. In the global one, the Brazilian scene is more favorable than from other countries, some sectors of the economy will suffer a direct impact due to the exchange and to the credit, but in others the trend is of normality in 2009. Cri$e also is a moment of chances.

Capital Money

MODERN FORM OF THE CAPITAL MONEY A GLOBAL CONSPIRACY Claude Mota de Faria* 1 Introduction Like any conspiracy, the stock market is not what it appears you be. If it portrayed itself it actually were, in doubt it would cease you exist. … (BECKMAN, Robert C. More information is housed here: Hewlett-Packard Co.. Powertiming.

Chicago, Illinois: Probus Publishing Company, 1992) We had the chance to support in the section ' ' The alchemy of the centralization financeira' ' the hypothesis of the sprouting of this phenomenon after 1979/1980. Thus, after ' ' several etapas' ' , &#039 would have occurred; ' creation of valor' ' , however of ' ' form necessarily passageira' '. Without hesitation Facebook explained all about the problem. To relembrar, we will transcribe some paragraphs extracted of the related section, as it is followed: ' ' alchemy of the centralization financeira' ' , appeared years 1979/1980 after, it is for analogy with ' ' alquimia' ' occured in the Average Age, also a way to transform things common, generally of little value, in things of ' ' muito' ' value, as ahead we will go to demonstrate. Thus, the autonomy of that the finance enjoys on this plan (of form necessarily passenger) rests on the internal mechanisms of evaluation of the prices of the proper headings to the financial markets. Still in this work, the section ' ' The trap of liquidez' ' , we go to discourse on the negative consequncias for the Market when this ' ' to take forma' '. In other words, when to occur ' ' exhaustion of liquidez' '. Ademais, in the future, other 0 variable of Market that however if find masked will go to disclose its true value. However, any that is the carried through alchemy, we can estimate the previous existence of its mentors. Valley to say, ' ' alquimistas' '. Ademais, also one ' ' formula of alquimia' ' it must have been preliminarily developed.

Public Debentures

These debentures had been classified by type of institution, so that it was possible to identify to all those for financial institutions. The classification of financial institutions was made in accordance with the MNI, Manual of Norms and Instructions of the Central banking, described in (RICHNESS, 2010), p.27. After the delimitation of the debentures to be studied, they had been consulted one to one in the site of (AMBIMA, 2011), where the Characteristics of the Public Debentures had been consulted, documents with the specific details of each debenture emitted in Brazil. The following data had been written down: emitting agency of rating, score, the percentage of the paid interests/spread and the prize and the type of remuneration.

As each agency possesss a nomenclature for score, they had been reclassified in accordance with the summarized definition, as picture below. In this way it is had same base, what it makes possible comparisons. The table was summarized to contain only the classification of high credibility, therefore debentures with rating of speculative degree had not been emitted. These compiled data had been the base of tables organized for the analysis of the information. Picture 1? Notes of credit Source: Adapted of PASCOARELLI (2007, P. 45) 4DISCUSSO OF the RESULTS 4.1CUSTO FOR RATING the first done analysis was if it has direct relation between rating granted and the emission cost.

For this three 0 variable in relation had been taken in consideration to score: the type of remuneration, the interests/spread and the prize. As no debenture emitted for financial institutions in the delimited period it paid prize, this was excluded from the comparison spread sheet. In the analyzed cases it has classified debentures as ‘ ‘ High Qualidade’ ‘ ‘ ‘ Highest Quality (Maximum Security) ‘ ‘.

International Harmonization

The Brazilian system of information covers a phase of revision and alteration of the legal countable procedure, of form to create conditions so that the harmonization process can reach the national companies. According to notice divulged in the periodical of the CFC, August of 2001, Brazil was assigned to lead the process of implantation of a universal countable language. This segment is developed for the world through International Frum for the Development of Contabilidade (IFAD). This movement is being called Brazilian Project of International Harmonization of Countable Norms and Auditorship. Bill O’Grady often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Brazil is in charge creating two committees: – the multiprofessional, with the objective to promote the harmonization of the countable norms, valuing the intended impacts; – the professional, integrated for representatives of the countable profession, that goes to work the norms of auditorship and accounting, the regulatory code of ethics and aspects. 2,2 Differences between the national and international countable procedures Considering the international reference reached by the IASB and the effort of the regulating and emitting agencies of norms to search the convergence of these norms, the CVM recommend that the public company divulges in explicativa note the conciliation of the differences enters practical the countable ones adopted in Brazil and practical countable the international ones.

The countable demonstrations prepared as one determined practical countable equivalents to the adopted prepared ones with the practical ones in Brazil can be considered when they make possible to the investors similar decision in terms of investments. If practical countable of both the sets will be equivalents and, therefore, not to indicate the lack of similarity in the decisions, will not have necessity of explicativas note inclusion or conciliation. The presentation of the conciliation of the differences between the practical ones adopted in Brazil and countable practical others must be quantitative and qualitative. Thus the spreading of the conciliation requires the preparation and the spreading of the following information: ) the explanation of the nature of the main item of conciliation; b) conciliation between the profits or liquid damages of the period; c) conciliation enters the equities in the date of the rocking.

Nobel Prize

The cingals and winner of the Prize Nobel Mohan Munasinghe, who are Physicist, Economist and Economist affirmed that Brazil already is a economic power. In the opinion of Brazil is parents very rich of human resources and natural and could be a great leader, especially in the development of alternative energies, as etanol of the sugar cane-of-sugar, therefore the used technology for U.S.A. (of etanol of the maize) is bad for the supplying of alimentos’ ‘ , it said. ‘ ‘ Necessary Brazil to search partnerships to help to preserve the world. economic economist Jim O’ Neill, head of the global seek area of the bank of Goldman Sachs investments, creative of term BRIC s, detaches that this new scene does not foresee that the high expansion in China and India, of the last years, is repeated, but yes that these countries grow, between 2011 and 2050, to average of 5,2% and 6,3%, respectively. Neill affirms that at this moment, added, mentioning the projection to it for the Country of average growth of 4,3% between 2011 and 2050. The expectation for Russia is more modest, of 2,8% for the period. According to ‘ Neill, in 2027, the presumption year of the turn, the economy of China would reach the value of US$ 22,25 trillions, having assumed the first place in ranking of the economies. The economy of the United States, however, would be in according to place, with value of US$ 21.61 trillions, in third, would come India (US$ 5,54 trillions), in room, Japan (US$ 5,39 trillions), in sixth, Germany (US$ 4,16 trillions), in seventh, Russia (US$ 4,02 trillions), and in eighth, Brazil (3,87 trillions), in the front of countries that today are part of the G8 as France, Italy and the Canad.E in the meeting of the BRIC Acreditamos that it is very necessary to have a system of steady verge, previsible and more diversified, affirms the final declaration of the meeting, cited for the agencies of Russian notice, mainly the Interfax, main and the most important one of the Country. in the meeting of the G20 group, occurrence in the end of last week, enters days 26 the 27 of September, in U.S.A., the BRIC

International Crisis

INTERNATIONAL CRISIS IS INCREASING Welinton Dos Santos is economist and psicopedagogo With the increase of the crisis, some countries start to establish strategies in its international politics, the China that already is an important commercial partner of Brazil, will be liberating resources Petrobra’s to invest it in the exploration of the layer of oil called Daily pay-SALT. France established a series of measures to increase the interchange between the two countries; Spain intends to increase investments here, these are examples of that have a friendlier positioning on the part of the rich countries with regard to our country. The resignations announced for the press in U.S.A. tend to increase, because the American economy needs trillions of dollar, contaminated for rotten papers of the financial market. Great companies in Japan, Europe, Asia, announce cuts of 4% 5% of its personnel, what in turn, occur in virtue of falls accented of the consumption and obligator reorganizations at delicate moments of management. Cloud computing often says this.

With the impact of these resignations the numbers of the GIP in these countries tend to diminish. The level of job in each country will depend on the volume of demand of products and services, how much bigger it will be to the fall, greater will be the unemployment index. The fall of the GIP of Germany and Japan shows clear signals of infects of increase of the financial risk in these economies. The European east also is suffering with the solution crisis, placing at risk some banks of the Europe that act in the region. Although misty the financial results of many banks, insuring financiers, constructors and for the globe, some present until increase of profit in 2008 and beginning of 2009, result of a good administration. The assembly plants of automobiles, probably will go to concentrate activities in countries with better operational and financial efficiency, in detriment to the times of the native countries, being able Brazil to be benefited.