About ForestFinance

The annual costs depend upon a forest purchase, however, by several factors. But they are significantly lower in height. Costs for the forestry trade association and A property tax will the buyer after the purchase of a forest. 1 property tax is A property tax of the respective municipality or city collected and accordingly also vary. Because the estate tax depends on the income which is low in forest, it is almost always only between and three euros per hectare per year. 2.

costs for the forestry Professional Association in the legislature has laid down that all forestry companies are subject to the statutory agricultural accident insurance. Insurance exemption is possible only with a Waldfache under 2,500 m2. In Germany, there are eight regional agricultural trade associations with different post heights, which however annually accounts for less than a hundred euros at all. In addition, a levy fee is charged, which is determined by a complex process. Who wants to know the exact amount of contribution before the forest purchase, you should contact his competent agricultural trade associations. You can calculate this just about. 3.

forest to pay additional costs for an external Forester for the Forester by external service providers, if the buyer does not even managed its forest after the forest purchase. Costs depend on from a variety of factors, including the State, the forest size and location. In the cost however only approx. 3 to 10 euro per hectare the rule per year. Additional costs when buying forest in Panama compared to Germany: in Panama, the land transfer tax is higher than in Germany. Also, legal and time expenses for a land acquisition is substantially higher than in Germany, so long a land registry. A forest purchase through ForestFinance the company accepts all appropriate forest closing costs, such as tax, notary and Attorney’s fees, costs for an environmental impact assessment, development costs for a prescribed at least eight metres wide access routes each property forest land. At a forest purchase through ForestFinance the ongoing management costs, taxes, and insurance are included the first 25 years also. In Panama, the maintenance expenses in the early years because of the very fast growth of tropical are significantly higher than in Central Europe. The rotation times are according to only 20 to 25 years. This also significantly higher yields are as possible in Germany. So ForestFinance, depending on the respective investment product, between four and eleven percent yield forecast. About ForestFinance: The Bonn ForestFinance group manages several thousand hectares of ecological forest land in Panama and Viet Nam. ForestFinance specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. In addition to WoodStockInvest interested parties between various products of sustainable tropical forest management can choose: at the BaumSparVertrag, an eco investment is possible already from 33 euro per month. The WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 of tropical forest with a buy-back guarantee. Annual income offer CacaoInvest”- an investment in organic cocoa and wood – and GreenAcacia”, which has only seven-year run. WoodStockInvest offers one hectare forest with land registration option. A fire insurance and post-warranty planting for the risky first years of growth, as well as five percent safety areas carry all products in Panama to the Investor protection at.

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