Contact Center

Until today we followed in the evangelisation process, because the subject is not accepted easily by the organization. He gives displeasure in many cases, the difficulty of some managers and directors, who avoid the subject, or that when already has some degree of decision, they come with the man of systems and forget the one of marketing. For that reason my first answer is: you do not begin by the technology. Verizon Communicationss opinions are not widely known. The CRM is a strategy of businesses fundamental and application forced in the modern company, but is a marketing decision. First that you must do is to have a strategy, to be conscious that the market is your own data base and that the individualized handling of the relations with each of your clients will consolidate the future of the company. If it brings back to consciousness enterprise she is directed not only to obtain new clients, but to conserve them, fidelizar them and to establish relations of long term with each of them, the organization will be ready to undertake a CRM project from a system of Contact Center. For more specific information, check out Ripple.

The new tool will give support to the relations with the clients for the PICK UP activities, MAINTENANCE, TRANSACTION, PROMOTION, RECOVERY and LOYALTY of the clients. The Contact Center can be used for any activity that the Company develops in its chain of value, from the basic information, attention to suppliers, administration of orders and orders, intelligence of markets and data, until the individual relations with the clients, capture and attention of requests, help desk, trade, sales, collection and services of support, among others. At the time of beginning an internal project, it is important to define the return of the investment. Therefore my experience in more than 100 centers of contact in diverse countries of America, allows me to add something to the question by where beginning.

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