
Chinese bitter gourd extract is able to kill cancer cells, U.S. researchers reported after laboratory testing. Bitter gourd – is a popular vegetable in China, India and South America. Folk Medicine has long used an extract of this plant as a remedy for diabetes because it can lower blood sugar levels. Scientists from the University of St.

Louis (Saint Louis University), Missouri, USA, investigated the influence of Chinese bitter gourd on cancer cells. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory on specially grown cells of malignant tumors. Scientists have found that this plant extract inhibits the growth and kills the cancer cells of the breast. Healthy, the cells are unaffected. However, the study leader, Professor Ratna Ray (Ratna Ray) doubts that the bitter gourd heal humanity of cancer. The extract of this Plants can only delay the progression of the disease if taken prophylactically. Professor Ratna also recommends to use the Chinese bitter gourd in the diet.

This vegetable contains a lot of vitamin C and flavonoids which are beneficial to health in general. The next step in the work of scientists – the testing of the extract of bitter gourd in laboratory animals. If they are successful, you will be able to think about clinical trials of this drug in humans. After all, before the drug is made in official recommendations, it is necessary to confirm its safety and efficacy. The current regulations are for the prevention of breast cancer include maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol consumption, exercise and healthy diet that contains all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Doctors recommend to stick diet dominated by fruits and vegetables. But dietary supplements are best avoided because many of them have biological activity and may trigger the development of tumors in people at risk. More>>>>

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