Get Out Of The Winter Depression

Tips and tricks against the crisis while the one on long winter walks and skiing holiday, would turn on time love like a couple of months the others. Reason is a tuning hole through the winter muffle feel tired and without drive in the dark winter months. The Internet portal reported helpful ways out of the crisis. Nothing out of the ordinary is temporarily in a depressed mood to suffer in the winter. Finally, icy temperatures and an early dark are among many people provide for long faces. Who stands up like before, the driveway to clear or to scrape his car? When the negative feelings can be dangerous, from news to tell the psychology. So people should watch the duration of their fatigue.

The typical symptoms of depression like profound joy and despair take over two weeks, going to the doctor is necessary. Also an increased need for sleep and an unbridled appetite for sweets can be a Close winter depression. To compensate for the lack of light, get plenty of fresh air. Even with an overcast sky, it’s brighter outside than in the House. Estimated that approximately one per cent of Germans struggling with a wintry feeling low, which is known in technical jargon as SAD (seasonally dependent depression). Reason for the depressive phase is the lack of light in the winter, the production of the body’s hormone melatonin and the formation of the happiness hormone serotonin influences.

Walks in the fresh air help against the bad mood. Sports day light stimulates serotonin budget in addition. Under no circumstances should the permanent desire after sleep investigated are, eight hours is the maximum. Instead offered a daytime light therapy in your own four walls. News.

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