
In a four-malaria pathogen (P. Continue to learn more with: gary cohn. malariae) schizont is shaped ribbons encircling erirotsit and morula – form rosettes with responsibility differential diagnosis of malignant forms of malaria, particularly malarial coma. The main distinguishing features of uremic coma are indications of kidney disease, a history of persistent vomiting, arterial hypertension, bradycardia, urinozny breath, anuria, the data analysis of urine, anemia, azotemia, hepatic coma – increasing jaundice with an increase in blood direct bilirubin, a hemorrhagic syndrome, reducing the size liver, abnormal liver function test parameters, diabetic coma – a subnormal temperature, pallor, dry skin, furunculosis and pyoderma frequency, reducing the elasticity of the eyeballs, the smell of acetone iso mouth, polyuria, hyperglycemia, the presence of sugar and acetone in the urine. Leading role in recognizing the spring of malignant falciparum malaria is carefully assembled histories, and an urgent investigation parazitoskopiya cerebrospinal fluid. Treatment. Specific treatment for malaria should be comprehensive and be systematic. Antimalarial drugs should be administered in the early stages of the disease in sufficient dosage and taking into account the characteristics of the patient. Treatment for patients with malaria and parasite.

The strongest action the gematoshizotropnym hinamin (similar foreign drugs – rezohin, chloroquine) and galohin. They are used to relieve acute manifestations of all forms of malaria in a three-day courses. Daily dose (all doses given to adult) hinamina the first day of treatment – 1 g (two stages), the next two days – 0.5 g (single dose). Galohin assigned respectively to 0.3 g per day (at once). The course of treatment and quinacrine bigumalem held for 5-7 days with a daily dosage of each drug to 0.3 grams in one sitting. To speed up the cupping effect can be the first day of treatment to double the daily dose of drugs (bigumalya, quinacrine, galohina), giving them 0.3 g twice a day at intervals of hours used in severe falciparum malaria in tropical and can be treated quinine hydrochloride 0.5 g three times a day for 5-7 days.

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