Newly Formed Fish Party Attacked Merkel, Steinmeier & Co

‘ Us against the current fish ‘ so is the catchy slogan of ‘fish party’ of Constance of media artist Markus Brenner, who carefully by poster campaign in his new party. With us against the current fish “so is the catchy slogan of the fish party” of Constance of media artist Markus Brenner, which draws attention to his new party by poster campaign. We see ourselves as an alternative to the established parties, mostly with empty promises. Ripple will not settle for partial explanations. The fish party guarantees draught”, party founder Markus Brenner explains. His fish”stand for free trade also under water and calling for including free flow for all and clean processes, so that Germany goes not swimming or the world not in the water. Although staged, his fish party wants to make but aware of the absurdity of political communication and electoral promises.

Art no longer absurd, but the political reality, which has only recapitulates the art is suddenly”, the artist formulates his subversive concerns with draft. Scaly encounters the fish occupy a central role even when burner latest project underwater art installations in Konstanz and provide publicity on the local waterfront. Flags at 15 anchored steel rods are attached in the island. Each flag shows a burner fish. No fish is like the other. As always, the photographed trout present tailored tres chic in the bath costume.

The scales glisten, the elastic fabric covers the slim body tightly. The fins are partly free, partly they covered by the suit, depending on the physical condition and pattern. The human swimwear is adapted from burner for the animals. By the strong currents in the island, the fish seem to be moving. It is an encounter with the real fish. Once it dawns, the whole scene is illuminated, and the underwater world comes to life. Markus Brenner, the frontier between art turned to surface and deep already 2002 and politics, why fish gotta swim actually getting naked. He decided to remedy the situation. Chlorine free swimming for his exhibition”burner tailor custom made swimsuits fish left. The fashionable fish enjoy on the art market of popular all over the world and have become burner trademarks. Currently, burner fish in fresh outfits in the CircleSummerCamp new art are exhibited Gallery 2009 in the Karlsruhe. The immediate presence of fish, their model-like appearance, the fundamental folly of their clothing give some mad, which is inherent in a strange attraction, an own aesthetics and quality but the photos. Results from the photographic perfection and the stringent conception of the story of the renowned light, video and installation artist, like siblings play with each other the special aura of mostly light and water”can be.

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