Pierre Blanc Coach

u that have more than one certification in coaching, probably with other studies and diplomas related to the subject, with experience as consultants or coaches, but that put respect for the technique of coaching to the interest in the results of your customer-(which leads them to a losing customer and more serious still, that this called into question the effectiveness of coaching). u who have more of one coaching certification and probably other related studies, that most – occupied leadership positions in large organisations and are coaches of high Executives (allowing them to understand the dynamics of the organizations, their interrelations inorganic and organic and put their knowledge and experience at the service of the customer, so that East and your company to increase its capacity of action and achievement). To establish which of these profiles have the characteristics to competently accompany their clients, first seek to define the characteristics of a good coach. That is what characterizes a good coach? Opinion of Pierre Blanc-Sahnoun, author, psychotherapist, and renowned coach, effectively summarizes the opinion of diverse and renowned coaches with respect to what characterises the good coach: is to have experience in the business world, if possible in several positions of direction, for having experienced the effects of power, having adjusted accounts with him, having made a personal work on oneselfhave a good economic culture and a great curiosity, be supervised, having experienced ruptures and failures in life, be clear about the motivations for exercising this profession and aware of their risks. To compare this definition with 5 profiles of coaches described above, I would say that it is very likely that everyone had breaks and failures in life, only the first two and the last to have business experience, and of them the first have no training in coaching and the seconds, mostly used his training for personal benefit. .

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