The Human Aura

HUMAN AURA by Jose Luis Gimenez since ancient times, man has asked that was because certain corporeal luminescence which could be observed in certain characters of great importance, especially in those considered of divine origin. Thus already in ancient Egypt, we could see how certain figures of goddesses or gods, they were represented with a kind of aura in the upper part of the head, this would be the case of the goddess Sekmek. This quality was keeping with the passage of time, and in all known cultures, we can observe as this phenomenon continues representing the different engravings and paintings, where certain religious and spiritual figures, as Buddha, Muhammad, Moses and especially Jesus, for example, are represented with a brilliant halo of light surrounding the head. But why this phenomenon occurs?, what is the aura? The aura always has been a subject of controversy and debate, that the scholars have not reached to never agree in its composition nor in the source of its origin, that has motivated disparate opinions, although is generally accepted the existence of the phenomenon, which has been the subject of exhaustive studies by the scientific community, in order to find the explanation to the display of a phenomenon that seemed reserved for individuals with the ability of clairvoyance, or religious in mystical trance state personages. The force field energy of the human aura, is produced by the different vibrations and frequencies, as emanating from our body through different energy points or Chakras (in Sanskrit means wheel, and your description corresponds with fumes of energies, aimed at controlling the flow and configuration that the mind-body system needs, being such energy composed of a subtle matter(, which is imperceptible to the human eye not experienced), manifests itself through a range of lighting emanations of a frequency of ultraviolet spectrum, so generally, not It is perceptible to human vision, except those people who manifest themselves possess certain Faculty of clairvoyance and that could relate to a certain type of plasticity of such individuals in the crystalline lens of the eye. .

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