Metropolitan Observatory

In fact, the mobilization responds " a desire very hard of another one economa" , according to Isidro explains Lopez, member of the Metropolitan Observatory and coauthor of the book Aim of cycle (PDF), published by Dealers of Dreams and in which &#039 is denounced; financiarizacin' of the economy. Lopez does not think that displeasure has constructed to everything a theoretical speech, but sees like a success that recovers the economic debate focusing it towards the solution of the problems of the citizenship: " The economy is not a science that is besides the policy and sociedad" , it indicated a. On the other hand, Bibiana Medialdea, professor of Economy Applied in the University of Valladolid and member of the commission of economy of 15-M, consider that " in the academic economic analysis yes there are speeches more complete spinning and, but usually they do not become proposals. The commission yes that has concentrated in proposals and for that reason has many piececitas" . A work document gathers 16 of them: The call of a rrndum on the labor reform and the one of pensions. A reduction of the labor day. The Reformation of the hypothecating law including dacin in payment.

The creation of a public park of houses in rent social. A more redistributive fiscal reform. Prohibition of the ERE in companies with benefits. The imposition of obligatory rrendos in case of rescue or social cuts. To stop the privatization of the savings banks. More control on the banking activity. Prohibition of the fiscal paradises.

To favor to SMEs by means of ICO. A law suddenly payment, that also would benefit to the SMEs. To audit the debt of third parties with Spain. To audit the Spanish debt with third parties. Exigency to the Spanish companies of respect to the right Establishment of international a fiscal program to fight the wealth.

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