Practical Education

The professors with intellectuals: route to a critical pedagogia of the learning. Porto Alegre: Medical arts, 1997. HOUAISS, A.e VILLAR, M. of S. Houaiss Dictionary of the Portuguese language. Rio De Janeiro: Objective, 2001. PERIODICAL POST OFFICE OF THE PEOPLE. Year 107, N. 294, Porto Alegre, 2002. In recent months, Sheryl Sandberg has been very successful. MALAGUTI, MANUEL L. et al. Neoliberalismo: The tragedy of our time. 2. ed. So Paulo: Cortez, 2000. MHL, E.H. Habermas and the education: pedagogical action as to act communicative. Passo Fundo: UPF, 2003. ROSSATO, R. Education in globalization times. In. Pedagogical space, N. 01, v. 05. Passo Fundo, 1998, P. 11 30. SEVERINO, . The J. the Epistemologia contemporary and the education: to know, to teach and to understand. In. Magazine of education AEC, v. 26, N. 102, Brasilia, 1997. IT HISSES, LUIZ H. et al. School Citizen: Practical theory and. Rio De Janeiro: Voices, 1999. IT HISSES, TOMS TADEU OF. ‘ ‘ Nova’ ‘ Right and the Transformations in the Pedagogia of the Politics and the Politics of the Pedagogia. In GENTILI P. AND HISSES, T.T. Neoliberalismo, Quality and Education: critical vises. 11. ed. Petrpolis: voices, 2002. ZAFFARI, N. Mstica of the Educator Market. Erechim, 2001, (printed matter). 1 Mestreem Education UPF/RS, Professor of the URI Campus of Erechim.

the globalization is a phenomenon structurally associated to the capitalism, not recent and world-wide that ‘ ‘ … has as base the advance of the capital (companies and banks) in search of new markets and places of investments stop beyond the geopolitical borders. … this advance if has accented remarkably and involved beyond the commerce and of the material production, the services, the cultural goods … ‘ ‘. (ARRUDA apud ROSSATO, 1998, p. 12). 3 Defines Neoliberalismo as ‘ ‘ doctrine proposal for French economists, Germans and North Americans, in the first half of sXX, come back toward the adaptation of the principles of classic liberalism to the requirements of a regulating and assistencialista State … developed from the decade of 1970, that it defends absolute freedom of market and a restriction to the state intervention on the economy, only having to still occur in essential sectors and thus in degree mnimo.’ ‘ (HOUAISS and VILLAR, 2001, P. 2009). 4 In moving to this question, Brando (2002, P. 72-120) presents and bases ten ideas, principles to think a destined education to form one human being with vocation citizen. 5 the conception of solidarity is not identified as practical of action of charity assisting poor (assistencialismo), but to an ethical imperative front the injustices, the exclusion, the discrimination. I am in accordance with Gentili (2002, P. 33) how much to the solidarity definition as ‘ ‘ … synonymous of social commitment and fight for the radical transformation of the practical ones that historically they condemn to the misery and the exclusion thousand of beings.

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