Biazzi Room

It is good for mentioning that the sun has its properties that favor the health of the man, its good use brings health and to the environment a sensation of asseio and transmits quality of life. For Biazzi (1994, p.108), the rays of the sun ultraviolet infra-red ray and are agents combatedores of some diseases. It favors the growth, it calms the nervous system, it opens the appetite, it improves the quality of the blood. everything this goes to become itself into more alive intelligence, glad spirit and animosa disposal. White (2005, P. 159) speaks of the sun as an assistant of the digestion and neutralizer of poisons. The school was in magnifying process and some adjustments were still being decided. When taking knowledge of the room the direction searched ways to decide it.

However, the given explanation is that the installation of the electric net possua a domestic standard and would be dispendioso an investment of a conditional air only for the harmed room, in view of that the school would go to remake the electric net and would have two costs. It was in a meeting with professors who the direction clarified regarding the fact, and informed that year of 2011 all the rooms would be climatized. The professors if had congregated with the direction and were made a questionnaire with all and the result was the following one: A well structuralized environment favors one better learning, making possible its true protagonism in the educative process; it strengthens auto-esteem and the security of each one allowing to the concretion of the identity and the capacity of initiative of aprendente; it instigates the interpersonal communication and relations, the exchange and the mutual aid, contributing for the construction of feelings of love and respect for proper itself, environment for the others. Which would be the solution for the problem? To climatize the room is without shades of doubts the best solution.

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