Restore Working Condition

It is considered that to restore the working condition, or, figuratively speaking, disability worn parts needed in five, six, even eight times less process steps and material costs than making new ones. Adoption of a dubious, but nevertheless, if the repair or restoration of the rotor shaft possible, then we would recommend the resort to these transactions and do not rush to buy new rotors, flywheels, and the more trees. Restoration of the motor shaft turbine generator, we are profoundly convinced that the operation more than doubles the life of reduced shaft relative to the new. Specialists believe, and we're not going to join with them in the debate that the best wear, where appropriate and their efficient recovery of three-tenths of a millimeter. It is clear that we are talking about wear and tear, meaning units and mechanisms of heavy machinery. Restoration of the shaft with such indicators of wear more than appropriate and effective. The recovery of the shaft, we are talking about as an example, of course, should be carried out with the most advanced technologies.

This, in our profound conviction, lies the heart of improving the efficiency and quality of work done. We therefore take the liberty to assert that the recovery of the shaft requires the most thoughtful investigations of new advanced methods of recovery. They, of course, should raise the endurance and durability of the restored unit, as well as possible to reduce energy, labor and material costs, which requires, for example, basic rehabilitation of the shaft, not to mention the more complicated moving parts. Restoration of the shaft – this is why, in our opinion, we should start a deep search for ways to repair worn-out parts and mechanisms. Ways – cost, high-tech, efficient, ie, those in the general sense is called progressive, responsible demands.

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