Tag: administration and businesses


The sources of external conscription are; conscription in university, employment agencies, media, competition, customers, Headhunters (hunting of talentos) or agencies of conscription. This type of conscription brings the following advantages for the company: it brings new ideas for the organization, renews and it enriches the human resources of the organization. On the other hand, it presents the following disadvantages: the abilities and characteristics of personality of the candidates are unknown, the process is longer and expensive and requires greater investment in the process of adaptation of the new collaborator. It has the possibility of this type of conscription to exert an impact on the satisfaction, the motivation and the perception of the internal team, that already possessed a work routine that, probably, will be affected by the entrance of new employees. Such impact can be positive or negative, depending on as it is the routine, the satisfaction, the motivation and the perception of the team, in relation to the novices, together with the type of reception or integration that the organization generally carries through in the entrance of these new employees. The order of the techniques must be studied to dry the process, of form that this is efficient, but without demanding extreme time to the candidates and the selecting and without generating a bigger responsibility the organization. If the organization perceives that election processes are not having the waited result, can devaluate such processes, finishing for conceiving them, some times, as expensive, long and unsatisfactory, harming the paper of the psychologist in the work organizations. After being duly analyzed all the stages of the process, selected the candidates most apt and to be taken the decision of the act of contract, the contracted employee must be presented the organization, in order to reduce the possibilities of occured frustrations in function of its initial process of envolvement in the new social system in which he is being inserted. .

PCP Materials

Beyond supplying materials, the PCP contemplates the organization of the movement of entrance of materials, parts and finished products supplying them. In the aspect acquisition of materials, one of the actions directed for the PCP, Gurgel (2000) salient that ‘ ‘ function of purchases in organizations have been developed inside of a new state of matureness and with techniques each time more sofisticadas’ ‘. Baily et al (2000) extends the concept of purchases defining it as one ‘ ‘ more strategical function, passing the routine activities for the clerical staff, possesss objectives of: to supply the organization with a safe from flow material and services to take care of its necessities; to assure continuity of suppliment supply to keep effective relationships with existing sources, developing other alternative suppliment sources, or to take care of the emergent or planned necessities; to buy efficient, getting for ethical ways optimum value for cent expense; to manage supplies to provide optimum possible service to the users and to the lesser cost; to develop employees, politics, procedures and organization to assure the reach of the objectives previstos’ ‘. Its flowchart can be defined: Material Information Appear 2: Basic flow of the PCP.Em its specifications, as much in acquisition of materials, has controlled and productive monitoramento, the PCP translates its methodology of that it is necessary to carry through the tasks with the lesser cost of distribution, volume, cost of supply, damages and loss of the product, optimizing time, reducing gargalos, monitoring the production, leading the actions in optimum way, service to the customer, quality more good managed with total operational integration, making with that the things if put into motion quickly, in a distribution and faster reactions the changes of demand through an efficient system of informaes.2.3? MANAGEMENT OF LOGSTICOS.As COSTS companies, in the context to get competitive advantage, focam the minimizao of the logistic total costs, that englobam the cost of each component of the logistic chain, to get differentials and to reach the level of service desired for the customer..