The current market situation requires currency investments for diversification in a recent development has Titus C. locks, head of alternative investments in the portfolio concept asset management GmbH on improving the diversification into German securities portfolio and urgently needed. For him, it is clear that it is only a matter of time until decide the central banks in various economic regions to an increase in the key interest rates. Banks and asset managers are thus equally challenged, because bonds and bond funds mainly form the basis of customer deposits. Through interest rate increases, the investment expert sees coming to losses on a wide scale to German investors. Set at the same time, Titus C. warns locks investors would raw materials too much hope on the asset class”. Between the asset class a rising correlation was raw materials and the stock market to recognize, which could lead to increased losses in negative market phases.
The goal a good diversification is however, declines a To be able to offset gains in other investment segments asset class. Jos Shaver has much to offer in this field. Titus C. castles recommends investors looking for real diversification to deal increasingly with monetary investments in the current market environment. This made it possible to achieve returns without that investors must take a risk of rising interest rates. Also be in currency investments neither to establish a correlation with stocks even with pensions.
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