Tag: News-outstanding

The Way

It refers to what you want to create, to the future image you have of yourself. This is very important because if you are starting an organization, especially in a multilevel, firstly it is accurate that you define a path to follow, to publicize your vision to serve as a guide to your followers, transform into a source of inspiration and a generator of excitement. It is essential to have written your plans to three years, five years and how you look past that period of time. It is not one minor detail, when detailed it in writing are sealing a commitment with yourself, with your future. It all starts with the thoughts, the way as you think will determine your future results.

If you have defined your vision, definitely you will know where you go. There is no doubt that we become what we think, no matter the time when you achieve it, you can be short, medium or long term; but it always depends on oneself. When a person has defined its vision, you already have 50% of the covered path. This is quite understandable if we think about what would happen if us adentraramos to an ocean without direction, cartography adequate, compass, instrumental, etc.;It would be very unlikely that we days to some destination and highly likely that we left adrift. Precisely, does not have a fixed course from the beginning we run the risk of getting lost on the way and not be able to reach. The display is an activity of thought. The law of attraction is something that happens, is real and is supported by quantum physics; but not usually gets to understand how that works. Let’s look at our way of thinking, it is through pictures. So mind maps are a graphical way of expressing thought. To understand how we must remember that the human being is composed of mind and body.

Bill Manley Magic

Research conducted by Bill Manley, Professor and researcher in archaeology from the University of Gladgow. The wizards were very common; they were clever men, magicians, and white witches, (as they call them in each village); If they were looking for them they helped heal almost all ailments of the body and the mind. The ancient Egyptians made widespread use of magic in numerous contexts; Since uses formal, as in the rituals of the temples, even in everyday life, such as in the treatment of diseases, the protection of children and births. How it worked the magic?. An idea of how it worked gives her contemplation of a typical charm against Scorpions: words were used to ward off the evil effect of pitting, along with ritual actions which consisted of drawing up seven knots.

Magic medical; testimonies of magic, found especially in the treatment of diseases and afflictions, as well as potential trauma treatment, as deliveries or attacks by dangerous creatures. In this context, the distinction between what is called medicine and magic; they are two poles connected with the protection of the body, which resort to a series of specialized knowledge and that employed specialized practitioners. For example, the famous Papyrus doctor Ebers, abound in magical spells along with what we consider direct medical treatments. Some treatments are clearly medical in nature, because it’s obviously physical cause, such as falls or blows, and the remedy is also a physicist. Other treatments are more magical in nature. This is because there is an invisible or unknown cause. For example, the ancient Egyptians had no direct means of establishing the actions of agents microscopic such as bacteria or viruses. It was believed that human activity was located within a wider world of forces dominated by the gods and other hidden actors, so many things were outside the direct control of humanity.

Paraguay Guarani

I do not understand why, in a country with a population mostly Guarani-speaking, the MEC insists on teaching more Spanish. I do not understand why Guarani should be reduced and excluded and Spanish no. I don’t understand why there are other more important than Guarani subjects, requiring more time, more practice. I do not understand what is the criterion used by the MEC to classify subjects into more kate or more kelembu wonder – do will be that the Minister and the MEC technicians do not live in the Paraguay therefore do not understand the value of the Guarani as a tool to promote an education truly critical and liberating?. -Could it be that the Minister and the MEC technicians do not speak Guarani when they are working in the MEC?. Will it be never talked in Guarani with other officials of the Government or never heard the President and the Vice President speaking in Guarani?.

Do never wondered why the President and the President used the Guarani: by cofe33 or want that most understand them? -Could it be that the Minister and the MEC technicians forgot that they are committed to respect the national Constitution which recognizes as an official language of the Paraguay Guarani, such character must promote it and strengthen it in education?. -It will be the Minister and MEC technicians do not know that the largest causes of desertion and dropout was due and due to that school only teaches in Spanish without taking into account that the majority speak Guarani?. -Could it be that the Minister and MEC technicians do not speak Guarani and therefore believe that the Guarani is useless?. -Could it be that the Minister and the MEC technicians have no family, friends or acquaintances who speak Guarani?. Could it be that they live alone?. Could it be that they do not speak with anyone?.