Tag: Politics

Iranian Armenian

But since even the Americans themselves have no doubt that Turks do not take this step, they propose to do in Armenia is one more "step of goodwill", that is to go the path of renunciation to national interests. Many writers such as delta airlines offer more in-depth analysis. It does not matter whether it's some kind of yet another commitment (such as "deblokady" Nakhichevan) or just go Protocols of the National Assembly and will be included in the agenda of the Armenian deputies. Or, as threatened by D. Blair and the authors of the article in the Los-Angeles Times, the U.S. will "nod" to Turkey and Azerbaijan, and the last to resume war against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

It is now clear that plans for the retraction of Transcaucasia in the abyss of war, as in August 2008, come just from Washington – or rather, from the same camp, "White House hawks and State Department" that nurture plan acts of aggression against Iran. It is named for a universal commotion that against the background of the inter-"noise" they would have tried to solve the Iranian problem! What else to mention that little reveal the essence of these alarming processes? Excuse me – very much … we can mention, for example, after a visit to Yerevan, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said here in an extraordinary pace "congress" in Azerbaijan and Turkey. And along with Steinberg in Armenia arrived first deputy. Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. On February 15-16, is scheduled to visit Israel (!), Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian, and accompanied in this visit will be his own Catholicos All Armenians Karekin II. Armenian Prime Minister will arrive in the Holy Land, just 4 days after the first-ever visit of Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan (February 9-11).

Arrival Sarkisian will become continuation of last year's visit to Israel, representatives of the Armenian leadership. In May 2009, was visited by Agriculture Minister Gerasimos Alaverdyan and Deputy Foreign Minister Arman Kirakosyan. Visit the special but it is clear that for the sake of idle talk, for example, agriculture in the premiere would hardly have undertaken to accompany the head of the Armenian Apostolic Church. This, albeit unofficially, it will go to Turkey – because in many respects the position of Israelis held back the process of global recognition of the Armenian Genocide … So, before the war? Be patient – still have a month and a half.

United States

They thought only to itself, to its rich and monopolistic lobbying friends and especially – every penny they give to the people, is lost for them. Let’s face it, this was a political, left parole, or just a plain and simple fact. We remind us of the years of buckles tight er, without pay, raise the retirement age and all cruel cuts in the social sphere, etc. It did not go well, where you had taken nothing and just obtained, can be present in distress today nothing. The money people would be remained and not landed in the pockets of speculation, then we could help today themselves our State, our country and the Americans. Quite wrong – they would never to this today and yesterday, as it turns out. Now no cars buy cars, our economists, politicians and economists, without large studies in the Salon had it can observe.

But unrealistic, they don’t know how these people are, that there are auto salons because they need usually someone to make are going to buy a car and it then goes someone for them. The speculator must be operated with his use of money with interest, which brings no economic assets and not a job and no gross national product with which to create consumer, Recovery, prosperity, and progress. It brings the complete inability to pay only sometime worldwide, the Nations and the United States, which comes just on the move. It brings the biggest financial disaster of all time. We may confidently wait and watch. Miracles are not just. Unfortunately you must write the last sentence again and especially when it comes to money – where friendship stops. A large meeting is what needs the current present, humanity and our world of the spirit, reason and intelligence expertise. A global solution to all problems should be sought, a new world order and world in democracy and peace for all. The approach, perhaps the solution: Wolfgang Bergmann

Best Politician

Mankind has long been concerned with questions of what determines our future? How to influence the course of history? Can this be done by one person? And if you can – it must be truly extraordinary personality. During the millennia of history has been many examples of prominent politicians, scientists and public figures, through which the country or even a whole civilization is entering a new stage of development. Ladies and gentlemen, dear readers! We live in unique period of history. We have witnessed just such a global event, turning in the development of one of the largest countries – Russia. Let's look at the facts. Ten, fifteen years ago, during the heyday of our expanse of "wild capitalism" – we saw a general decline, looting, the rapid decline of Russia's image in the world. The Russian economy shows high and stable growth, foreign investors are more willing to place in the country its capital. A huge role in achieving these results has played the policies pursued by President Vladimir Putin.

Structural changes in the organization of power, which they were held, led to a significant increase in the level of unity and executive discipline, establishing order in the economy. Russia has regained its leading position in the international political arena. Increased patriotism Russians themselves, their pride in country, faith in the future of their homeland. This is a high spirit of a nation, its heritage, because it is strong in spirit – and the people and the country – always come out victorious in all battles. Can we say that Vladimir Putin – a prominent politician and an outstanding personality? Absolutely. Before us is a really strong person who can directly and categorically expressing their opinion. His concise and accurate answers to the most provocative questions and his assessment of the events and actions of other politicians – are quoted, duplicated, create public opinion.

For his words are deeds. That is why it supports most of the population Russia, and many citizens of other countries. Let's consider how these results were achieved thanks to the personal qualities of Vladimir Putin. To influence the course of history, successfully manage such a large country and carry out a principled foreign policy – must be strong, solid, outstanding person. It is the personal qualities of Vladimir Putin command respect not only his supporters but his opponents, who forced to reckon with his opinion. If you compare Putin with many other prominent politicians of our time – I think you'll agree that it will stand out from among his composure, clarity, confidence, determination. Outstanding achievements of great people celebrate with high awards. The highest award of the Russian Federation – "Hero of Russia". Many believe that Vladimir Putin is worthy to receive this award. Also worthy of the title 'Best politician in recent history 2008yy 2001. " Anyone who wants to support the awarding of Vladimir Putin and express their views on these matters may do so on a popular site open voting "Putin – the best! "

National Welfare Index (NWI) + Gross Domestic Product (GDP). (73)

About a car crash contributes to prosperity, housework but not? The State cameralistic system as well as the double-entry bookkeeping of economic neglect that soft facts of ecology and economy. Accounted for are only the hard facts! Thus is created a false description in numbers of international economics economies. These wrong analytical figures is then incorporated into a synthetic model: GDP gross domestic product. Whose numbers reach the accuracy of reasonably competent estimates. The only figures in the economics of Economics-economic theory (mind science) are therefore the statistics of the past (numbers cemeteries for the projection). Now finally is a promising useful new concept! Disambiguation: The cameralistic system (lat. princely treasure chest”) or Kameralbuchhaltung, is an accounting method (type + way) that is used exclusively in the public sector.

The Cameralism is a German variant of mercantilism, the ruling Economic policy in the age of absolutism (16th-18th century), known. The primary objective of Cameralism was the reconstruction of the country devastated by the thirty years war (1618-1648). With the cameralistic system, you wanted to influence the economy through government actions to that would increased the prosperity of a nation. She found their grounding in the theoretical conception of Cameralism (State Economics). The cameralistic accounting was…in 1762 for the first time in writing set forth. Since the 1970s the cameralistic system in different European countries at the State and local level by a single double Haushaltssteuerungs and accounting is the accounting in the private sector and international standards in the reform of the neoliberal administration of new public management, (international public sector accounting standards, IPSAS) is based, more and more displaced. The scheduled, continuous, temporal and factual ordered recording made in numerical form of all known accounting Business processes in an enterprise on the basis of documents. It is the numerical reflection of a company and important source of information for the entrepreneur and also serves to meet the legally fixed information from authorities.

Real Life Help

There is heartbreak or career – for almost all areas of private coaches. Seven top coaches and a critic enlighten what consultants actually promises success! No industry is booming currently as strong as that of coaches, trainers, and consultants. They advise companies, workers, employers and teams, but also individuals. However, the boundaries between the genres of coaching and also the profession are very nebulous. Many colleges offer training for coaches in almost every direction. But the sports coach has also a raison d ‘ etre as a high-calibre-trained consultant for DAX listed companies. What coaches there, how they should be trained and what kind for which request in question comes, find in the report of the online magazine tips-from the experten.de the coaching industry is booming, hardly a company now comes without the optimizer work processes, without the coaches, the both teach optimum cooperation among employees, as well as at head level. The personality and Strukturoptimierer have become de rigueur, renowned Dax listed companies and highly paid corporate boards, but also medium-sized companies can coach their operations to gain a better potential exploitation of human and technical resources.

More recently but urges the industry also in the private sector. More and more highly trained coaches and trainers advise where the consultant, psychologist or even pastors no longer comes out, coach difficult decisions, diets, changes, new jobs or separations. Unfortunately, the boom calls also free riders and charlatans on the plan, and well trained dog cavort on the coaching market. Learn here to decide which coaching for you in question comes, what is coaching at all, how it can help you and how different reputable provider of dubious. Seven renowned coaches explain how coaching can take place, what types of coaching there for private people and what to look?

Interior Minister

“Load Iranian opponents is abandoned this means the recognition of the right to resistance Paris, May 13, 2011 (agencies) the task of the accusations against 24 Iranian dissidents in an investigation on suspicion of terrorism, that on a dramatic police action of the year 2003 at its headquarters in Val d’OISE Castle, due to lack of evidence, means, so their lawyers on Friday, the recognition of the legitimate right to resistance against the dictatorship”. The President of the national of Council of resistance of Iran (NCRI), Mrs Maryam Rajavi is among those whose burden was dropped on Wednesday. The NCRI is a coalition of Iranian opposition groups; the most important of them is the Organization of the Shah of Iran (PMOI) “.” The justice officials acknowledge that the action of the Iranian opposition of the legitimate right to resistance against the dictatorship is covered,”said lawyer William Bourdon in a statement he gave to all lawyers of the dissidents. Finally has Justice on the Policy of appeasement and defeated the business interests. The legitimacy of the Iranian resistance to the freedom of will is has been demonstrated once again,”Mrs. Rajavi said in a written statement. About 1,300 armed and masked police officers, including members of an elite unit, had entered in the morning of 17 June, 2003 on the orders of the head of the Office for the fight of against terrorism, Jean-Louis Bruguiere, the headquarters of the NCRI.

About 164 members of the NCRI were detained in their quarters in Auvers-sur-Oise. The then Interior Minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, justified the operation in the National Assembly with the claim, the Volksmodjahedin wanted to make France its hinterland”. The dissident’s lawyers had asked for nine more the task of the allegations; the investigation against them was not set but due to financial irregularities, and to the restitution of property confiscated in the year 2003. The Volksmodjahedin were the 26 January 2009 from the terrorist list European Union deleted where they had been since 2002. You are still on the terrorist list of the State Department of the United States. Founded in 1965, the organization helped the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, but then turned against the Islamic Republic. She should have renounced in 2001 of the violence. Investigators suspected the money earned by the PMOI in France, through the Organization of Iran aid”orphans in Tehran should come to, whether to the financing of terrorism was misused. de /…

Power Russian

At the same time the whole world community suddenly discovered that the Russian people no longer have a common ideology, like-minded, of the past. Russian people do not rely on that more, and, therefore, not with what to do movement. Form a "weak point". Vulnerable. Obvious. Never, no one has ever denied myself the pleasure to know a weak point (as well as to strike at the weakest point), with whom he has to interact. We must give take this into account and rely on the appropriate attitude to Russia from countries that claim to own the title of "Great Power". What is unique and attractive to today Russia to other countries? Perhaps in Russia is the area or areas developed so that these countries fit to take with Russia an example? Perhaps, on hearing of the international community such phrases as: "The Russian scientists have found …", "Russian scientists have proved …" "Russia has invented / developed the first / has no analogues in the world / the newest / best / unique …" "The Russian automotive industry is good and in demand …"? Perhaps it is best medicine, or advanced economy, or quality of life? Maybe Russia is attractive investment? Maybe there is something that simply no one knows? After an ulterior motive is so far almost native to the Russian people are terms such as nanotechnology, progress, development, innovation, breakthrough, etc. Russia at least once a month, promising signs lucrative, historically important and profitable for the Russian state agreements, documents, declarations …