National Welfare Index (NWI) + Gross Domestic Product (GDP). (73)

About a car crash contributes to prosperity, housework but not? The State cameralistic system as well as the double-entry bookkeeping of economic neglect that soft facts of ecology and economy. Accounted for are only the hard facts! Thus is created a false description in numbers of international economics economies. These wrong analytical figures is then incorporated into a synthetic model: GDP gross domestic product. Whose numbers reach the accuracy of reasonably competent estimates. The only figures in the economics of Economics-economic theory (mind science) are therefore the statistics of the past (numbers cemeteries for the projection). Now finally is a promising useful new concept! Disambiguation: The cameralistic system (lat. princely treasure chest”) or Kameralbuchhaltung, is an accounting method (type + way) that is used exclusively in the public sector.

The Cameralism is a German variant of mercantilism, the ruling Economic policy in the age of absolutism (16th-18th century), known. The primary objective of Cameralism was the reconstruction of the country devastated by the thirty years war (1618-1648). With the cameralistic system, you wanted to influence the economy through government actions to that would increased the prosperity of a nation. She found their grounding in the theoretical conception of Cameralism (State Economics). The cameralistic accounting was…in 1762 for the first time in writing set forth. Since the 1970s the cameralistic system in different European countries at the State and local level by a single double Haushaltssteuerungs and accounting is the accounting in the private sector and international standards in the reform of the neoliberal administration of new public management, (international public sector accounting standards, IPSAS) is based, more and more displaced. The scheduled, continuous, temporal and factual ordered recording made in numerical form of all known accounting Business processes in an enterprise on the basis of documents. It is the numerical reflection of a company and important source of information for the entrepreneur and also serves to meet the legally fixed information from authorities.

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