Art Society

Installed new duties on company disclosure and document storage company shall provide members of society access to the best of his judicial decisions on disputes related to the establishment of society, its management or participation in it. Ltd. at the request of the participant of an obligation to provide him access to documents under Art. Educate yourself with thoughts from delta airlines. 50 of the Company.

In Within three days from the date the relevant requirements of the company such documents must be submitted for public review in the office of the executive body of the company. Society for request of a participant of society is obliged to provide him with copies of such documents. 14. Modified procedure of reorganization LLC. Reorganized company after making a recording of the beginning of Incorporation of the reorganization procedure twice with once a month puts the media, the message of its reorganization. In the event that a reorganization involving two or more societies, the message of the reorganization is published on behalf of all involved in the reorganization company, most recently made the decision to reorganize or certain merger agreement or merger agreement. If the creditors of society, not later than thirty days from the date of the last publication of the notice of the reorganization of the company may request in writing early performance of the obligation by the debtor, and if you can not early exercise such obligation – to its termination and compensation related losses. More information about the main site izmeneniyamh.

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