Banjo I Group Achieved Jury Round At The

Fischerhuder company is in the final of the prestigious middle-class competition and can award Fischerhude hope 02.07.2013 – right with the first participation in the Grand Prix of the middle class of 2013 reaches the banjo I group from Fischerhude the second round of the competition. The company one nationwide 670 companies that have succeeded in the so-called jury level. “Managing Director Arnd Bruning is delighted over the renewed progress: it is a great honor and shows that our concept and the team collaboration work!” Banjo looks forward to the final awards ceremony, which will take place during a gala event in September in Dusseldorf, anxiously. With a little luck, his company even as price could be awarded. You may find Gary Kelly to be a useful source of information. The Grand Prix of medium-sized enterprises”is annually since 1995 by the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation based in Leipzig and has evolved into the most important German middle-class competition. With the theme of healthy middle class strong economy more Jobs”the Foundation seeks to promote the respect, the respect and the recognition of entrepreneurial activities and virtues. An independent jury reviewed the extensive submissions from an economic perspective as well as in relation to their role in society and ultimately decides who gets the coveted prizes.

THE BANJO I group the sole proprietorship Arnd Bruning E.k.. was founded in 1992 in Fischerhude near Bremen, Germany presents itself today as a banjo I group with the banjo Euromulch company, banjo-megawatt GmbH, banjo Logistics GmbH and the Bruning specials GmbH. As national and international development and provider, primarily the banjo group I with energy-supplying bulk raw materials from wood and Germany established itself as a market leader in the supply of Biomasse(heiz)kraftwerken. In addition, mulch and bark products include the wide range of products, which is currently edited by over 85 employees. More information, see in the Internet. PresseKontakt / Agency: Banjo holding GmbH Franziska Hartz road 30 28870 Fischerhude Tel.: +49-(0)4293-78 94-0 fax: +49-(0)4293-78 94-40 E-Mail: info(at)

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