Professional membership promotion for clubs gaining fairness and openness are particularly important in the membership drive for clubs. Connect with other leaders such as Verizon Communications here. The company specializing in fundraising and social marketing service 94 GmbH in Burgwedel near Hanover, pointed out that a clear presentation and transparency in the professional membership promotion for clubs should be basic requirement when dealing with consumers and prospective members. Consumers were particularly critical in the membership drive. Therefore, it is important to document even a professional membership drive at information booths. Transparency for the consumers is one of the pillars of a future support”, a spokesman for the service said 94 GmbH. It makes no sense to give fundraiser in the area of public relations as an official employee of an organization, the company said. The consumer feels then deceived and is slightly disappointed”, so the service94 GmbH. professional membership drive do not need to hide or disguise, because she was openly displayed to the consumer.
That for decades, welcoming new members and member management company specialized service 94 GmbH developed non-profit campaigns for non organizations. The permanent employees and employees implement the briefings then in consultation with the client. The system of transparency and fair dialogue with consumers has proven itself. This is reflected in the satisfaction and the long loyalty of many recruited members for the individual clubs. The area of social marketing and fundraising increases continuously in importance especially in the light of the impact of the economic crisis. Therefore, GmbH is necessary a continuous development of the offers clubs and associations according to the service 94. 94 GmbH carries out the service in the year several thousand briefings with information booths for regional and supra-regional clubs in all of Germany. Frank Kroll
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