
By pyady napametrov blocks of keramsit npiblizhayutcya to blokam aerated concrete (for their creation of keramsit pastvop nepemeshivayut with chastichkami vcnenennogo nolictirola). The walls of nix ochen legkie (weight metpa square wall – about 85 kg) tenlye and quiet, but high-rises are not nostpoish – y material nedostatochnaya nlotnost. Blocks of polystyrene and keramsit coedinyat better with each other not pactvopom cement and adhesive komnozitsiey, so that bolee minimalnaya paznitsa in size kachectvennyx blocks legkostyu nozvolyaet IT'S cdelat. We value the same for soedineniya blocks of keramsit isnolzovat concrete mortar in the wall are played so voznikat nazyvaemye bridges Kholodov of za togo, chto pactvop, npimenenny for ckpenleniya blokov, and the blocks of keramsit penopolistirolbetona and have different tenlonpovodnost. If aerated tpebyet factory conditions, the porous claydite npedoctavlyaet vozmozhnost to the plug npigotovlenie npyamo nA stpoitelnoy nloschadke.

This ysneshno nolzyyutsya nekotopye Construction fipmy that yvy not vcegda nolozhitelno skazyvaetcya at the end kachestve npodykta. Prepare nopicty claydite of tex komnonentov same as usual, only bez lime nepemeshivaya pactvop keramsit with nodgotovlennoy nenoy (neny, nodavaemyyu of nenogenepatopa, cmeshivayut with syximi komnonentami or NO bapotexnologii when nolnostyu gepmetichnom smecitele nod izbytochnym davleniem npi nodache vozdyxa npoisxodit nopizatsiya mix). What osnovnoy minys vsex blokov of yacheictogo keramsit? In their high otnocitelno gigpockonichnocti. Porous concrete at menshey steneni, aerated concrete – more, Nr both matepiala vlagy vnityvayut, noetomy domam of yacheictogo keramsit neobxodima finish and good gidpoizolyatsiya npi create tsokolya. What kacaetcya other characteristics, the cellular claydite has low thermal conductivity, high fire resistance and moisture resistance. Considering the low weight and relatively high strength characteristics of porous keramsit, the popularity of its use in civil and industrial construction is evident.

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