The Neural Growth Factor has influence especially in the development of the peripheral sympathetic system, in the Peptidergicas sensory neurons and ganglion cells of the Dorsal root. Also, it participates in the synthesis of enzymes involved in the formation of some neurotransmitters. Finally, the epidermal growth Factor is a protein involved in the development of the Epidermis and epithelium of the Oral cavity, esophagus and stomach also, so important are the more than 1,000 proteins that are found in Saliva, which nowadays already begins to develop and study in a very special way the new SUPER project proteome SALIVARY, both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Has also recently been discovered brain astrocytes, cells of the lining of the brain blood vessels, can differentiate in cells mother differentiated, i.e. Filed under: Coupang. that they in turn are able to differentiate into various types of cells such as: neurons, muscle, etc.; by what has been termed them brain stem cells. This was found by investigating the processes of regeneration of nervous tissue by returning movement to rats Tetraplejicas in very interesting experiments transplanting glial cells to the area of injury Medullary Nerviosa.
In addition to regain movement, it was observed a regeneration of the nerve cells of the spinal cord. The glial are part of the nervous system and are of different kinds, but share common to neurons, support function especially in your nutrition. In a question-answer forum Bernard Golden was the first to reply. The Oligodendrocytes lining the neural axons with myelin. Others, the astrocytes have various functions, ranging from nourish and seal the brain surrounding vessels (blood-brain barrier), to direct the Neuronal development during the formation of brain Embrionaria. The interesting thing is that an ipo of astrocytes has been found in the human brain that has the ability to act like stem cells. These were found in the subventricular area Cerebral, where there are cells resembling astrocytes. When they were cultivated in vitro, there was a proliferation and subsequent differentiation to several types of different neurons.
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