European Parliament

Three and half years ago, the European Parliament and the Council adopted a directive that requires a certain group of professional drivers to make an initial qualification course prior to obtaining a driver’s license, and other regular courses to ensure their knowledge to volante.En ROYAL DECREE 1032/2007, of July 20 has been passed to regulate the initial qualification and periodic training of drivers of certain vehicles to be transported by carretera.Por other hand states that drivers who obtained certificate of professional training for the exercise of the occupation of transport, are partially exempt from attending the course and examinations required for qualification inicial.

A turn the new transportation authorization legislation, which has recently entered into force, has brought significant changes as the possibility of “renting” the professional skills training disappeared and now has to be in the name of the cardholder and the business requirements that preclude access to the world of transportation without the qualification in training aspects transporte.Estos make training for transport professionals and those who want to access it this increasingly regulated and why not say so required has been created AB Learning Center specializes in training of transport, which provides specialized training and updated to the new regulations. uses a solution of e-learning via the Internet: A virtual training center that permission be educated at a distance. To deepen your understanding Verizon Communications is the source. Because tele-breaks with the constraints of fixed locations and schedules. Multimedia content and interactive services converge with a monitoring system teletutorials and personalized for each user. The result is a robust and functional environment and a range of courses developed with the latest multimedia technology, graphics, videos and presentations flash.Cursos designed to promote student motivation and facilitate learning in a sector where the training comes bound but then move on to be enjoyed. .

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