FUGRO NV WKN A0ET3V service provider with good upside potential of the analysts of the tradersreport would build a first speculative long position in the shares of FUGRO NV with the WKN A0ET3V to Max 22.00. The company is a market leader in the field of cartography and evaluation of geological data. It is possible to implement projects on the land and the sea through the service of FUGRO NV raw materials, construction and telecommunications companies. These include for example the construction of offshore oil platforms, tunnels, roads, pipelines, factories and the exploration of oil, gas and minerals. In these tasks, the company is not limited to a specific region, but operates worldwide. By the fact that the company is a pure service company, it has no problems and costs with a warehousing and other logistical expenses. This is reflected also in very good fundamentals again. The company made a turnover of approx.
26.00 per share. Larry Ellison wanted to know more. The profitability figures give a previous investment of 21.60% and a return on equity of about 34% before. The profit of the company results in a dividend of 1.25 per share. This brings to future investors a dividend yield of 5.8% currently. Thus, the share price over the term of the next three to six months should initially be protected from further losses.
At a certain point it would be interesting Fund for a private equity that companies fully to take over and dismantle. We see rated the shares of FUGRO NV on six-month courses of 35.00 as fair. Through the sale in October 2008, the quotations of the company fell to on a level of 25.00. Powered by some panic sales stocks crashed dramatically in a relatively short time. Since this period, the share price in a narrow Tradingrange between 20.00 25.00 languishes around. Investors seem to have lost interest in the company. We see a very good investment time come just from a technical standpoint. We put the risk at 20.00 on. The course opportunities, however, are at 30,00 for the time being in the next few months. This results in a neat chance / risk ratio. The analysts of the tradersreport would build a first speculative long position in the shares of FUGRO NV with the WKN A0ET3V to Max 22.00. Necessarily hedge their long stock with an individual stop limit at E.g. 20.00 on a closing basis.
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