Hungarian Gadeon

Today La International Planed parenthood Federation (IPPF), which is the string of clinical abortionists mas grande del Mundo, had a branch in Trujillo, some years ago, which was called CENPROF, B. Clinton gave away hundreds of millions of dollars to these entities, as Katherine Seelyey, sustains it however during the Governments of w. Bush lost this State funding, but has been reinstated by Obama early this yearwhich again means the dance of hundreds of millions of dollars to promote abortion in the Mundo.Las intense campaigns to decriminalize abortion, to distribute the pill, to lie, to get allies at all levels, has its origin, sustenance and financing in these millionaires funds and added that other important organizations such as IPAS, the most large manufacturers of medical instrumentsSurgical and chemical industry of abortion. Who lose? Carlos Polo Samaniego, following the trail to the business of the pill the next day in the Peru, has discovered that the company Hungarian Gadeon-Richter, buys formula to Shering and introduces it to the Peru through FARMAGe, a new company formed only to import and sell these pills (if previously unreleased, because similar companies market various products and not just one) and that the General Manager of this company, Julio Zavala owner of 99.9% of sharesalso presides over a so-called NGOs learn, organisation non-profit, which promotes the need to include the pill as a public health policy, to thus foster your company Farmage, an institution with great profit, and many lobbyists to his around, work that actually got in 2001, using RM 399 SA, business round, that he just finished by the sovereign decision of the TC. AND GYNECOLOGISTS? Carlos Polo, wrote that the logo of Schering is the same as Flasog (Latin American Federation of obstetrics and Gynecology societies) and that if well This is not so bad if it is not the fact, that its directors are beneficiaries of miserable prebends, like trips, dinners, books, interviews, and some of them became enthusiastic supporters of the pill the next day and politics abortionist of the transnational corporations, serving of clueless Ministers technical advisers and even more using fraudulent scientific information, when they say or write about the topic the TC has ignored the fallacies of these advisers and has put them to the discovered and when in doubt have decided for life and have clearly marked the ground between business, money on one side and one impartial science, on the other, in an effort to give back to this one, its ethical criteria but in what no doubt is that there is a lot of money in of by means and in the background there is a clash between values and $between money and morals, each who choose, because the fight will continue. Original author and source of the article.

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