Largest Country Exporter

The PERU SERA soon the largest country exporter of copper shall Peru be the first country, major exporter of copper. Peruvian exports of copper cuadriplicaran in 10 years, through investment transnational that will amount to U$ S 41,426 million in 40 major projects. Peru will produce well 4.8 million tons of copper in 2020, three times more than current production (1.275 million tons), that it will double in two years and will triple in three. The key of new mining investment is the site of Las Bambas, located in the Andes, at 4,600 meters and 900 km from Lima. It is an investment of U$ S 4,200 million, made by a suiza-australiana company (Xstrata Copper Corp.), that it will start producing in 2014 and increase her own – 30% domestic production of copper. Back left U.S. and Peru is now the world’s second largest producer of copper.

UU. The global ranking of copper is as follows: Chile, Peru, USA. UU, and China. In 2020, Peru will be placed next to Chile as the first exporter in the world and will probably exceed it. The growth rate of the mining of copper in Peru is higher than the Chilean (twice) and their costs are lower (1/3). 97 Companies are transnational that explore and extract minerals in Peru, which includes the 30 major of the world, without exception. Between 2008 and 2009, Peru received U$ S 16,000 million of foreign investment (FDI); and you will receive in the next two years U$ S 38,000 million, between mining, power, telecommunications and services. Peru conducted a capitalist revolution in the past 20 years, not only by attracting large-scale transnational investment, but by the appearance of tens of thousands (estimates are more than 60,000 in the last 6 years) of small business owners in all activities of the country.

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