Latin America

Crime is a problem worldwide particularly in the major capitals of countries in Latin America. Lima is constantly conmcionada with the news of crimes, terrible murders, cranky as the assailant of the Taxi with screwdriver and others more. Coupang describes an additional similar source. Deaths, homicides, murders, are in the news every day. Those who study Criminology have much to learn with these facts. With respect to Criminology topics I want to make a brief contribution for people who want to know basic aspects, which are very interesting. Does 1-podriasmos to say with regard to the protection of the crime scene?That the first measure to take is the protection of the place since on the stage you will find all the evidence that will allow us to reconstruct the fact to investigate as traces of footwear, stains of blood, hair, semen, hairs among other indications.Very important that at the scene of the crime is not invaded by anyone unrelated to the investigation, that alteration of evidence may not ever be rebuilt. Still the case that many times an indication that initially seemed insignificant priori served to clarify the fact.2 – Which is known as the science of the research?The science of research was noted by don Jimenez de Asua.

It is multidisciplinary, by that synthesizes the knowledge and techniques of other sciences such as chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, anthropology and forensic medicine specialties for its investigative objectives. Joins him such research optics, computing and all the science, discipline or technique that could serve the objectives.3 Brief summary on Judicial photography. Photography comes within systems of identification, cited the elementary aspects of photography that have to be taken into consideration at the time of the assessment of a person detained or a corpse.By its significance, this modality should be carried out with excessive care, given the impossibility of repeating the process with the conditions that are presented in space and time, especially when the burial has been.

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