Microlearning: Smarter Learning Trend Makes For Better Grades

Case study: Student developed knowledge collaboratively with digital flashcards collaboration instead of elbow – learning in the Web 2.0 era of Aachen, August 16, 2010 Thomas M. (name changed by the editor) studied Business Informatics in the fourth semester at the University of Leipzig. You may find Stuart McClure to be a useful source of information. His life is currently learning, and once again learning”. About the digital flashcards learning platform for students and apprentices of CoboCards (www.cobocards.com), he learned that electronic flashcards for learning-intensive subjects are suitable and have led some to top marks. Intelligent learning with the Leitner algorithm of electronic flashcards? What exactly it is and they are as suitable for the exam? “wondered Thomas M. and then enrolled on CoboCards.

Before his final exam of winter term, he formulated gross question and answer cards. Despite low preparation time up to the upcoming exam, the student scored with the digital index card by CoboCards the good note 2.3. Learning with micro content on flashcards (also Microlearning called) had convinced him. In the following summer semester, he wrote his index card parallel to the lectures. At the same time he learned with the Leitner algorithm available in the platform.

This is according to the CoboCards CEO Ali Yildirim due to its intelligent focus very much in demand. As to internalize the cards, the algorithm of Thomas M. the cards put again in front of the nose. At five exams in the semester that was pretty exhausting”, he remembers. Also the writing of this time detailed maps was very costly, so that he, looked around in within the platform for a learning strategy and has been looking for. One for all, all for one”: to minimise top marks thanks to collaborative learning to time took advantage of the budding Wirtschaftsinformatiker the practical collaboration function of the platform and invited 13 fellow students together to make his already advanced sets of maps lerntauglich and to reap the benefits for their own exams. For the last finishing touches which were then Cross-checking with mutual query. Entirely in keeping with the examination and irrespective of the location corrected, supplemented, and commented the students all created maps. The result: Thomas M. has passed even the first two tests with flying colors. The one with 1.0, the other with 1.3 “, the student would be. And he expected a similar result for the next three tests. At least the Leitner algorithm when the current exam confirms this him. About CoboCards CoboCards was launched in January 2009 by Tamim Swaid, Jamil Soufan and Ali Yildirim headquartered in Aachen in life. CoboCards will highlight the advantages of micro learning (Microlearning) and pushes it in the age of collaboration. United as first, Internet-based and collaboratively usable learning platform for microcontent CoboCards learning with the advantages of Web of 2.0 primary objective is providing an intuitive platform, on which can be learned alone or in a team and taught. All learning processes take place online, there is no local installation required. Users can create virtual flashcards, correct, comment and online each query. In addition, there is the mobile addition for the Apple iPhone and all Google Android devices.

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