Moscow Property

However, many investors did not want to go this route. At the beginning of the crisis the price of Moscow Property slipped, per square meter was taken up to 4 $ thousands, however, below this mark is not dropped. Accordingly, an inhibitory factor for sellers suffered a decline in demand for housing. Experts agree that the owners Investment housing reduced their risks, so they decided to invest in more robust real estate market, you invest your money in the stock market. Medium term investment shelter may lose its interesting because of the tax imposed on real estate. "Natural taxes attached to the market value of residential space, play the role of education" bubbles "and the obstacles to speculation. Additional award of Fees constantly delayed due to various, to the essence and political reasons. "Earlier, in 2012 set the tax will not work.

In addition, we have provided a transitional period, which is projected must be completed by 2015, "- said Finance Minister Sergei Razgulin – deputy director of tax and customs tariff policy. Statement of Finance announced that the price of the property tax to pay in lieu of taxes on property of individuals and land tax will be 0.1% of the land price of the property. A specific percentage to be determined already by local authorities. At one time they receive the right to set higher coefficient for the holders of not one residential area and benefits for citizens – pensioners, the disabled groups I and ii, military families and others, "Chernobyl". On the contrary, not every market participant will perceive only the real estate tax as an absolute evil. Learn more about this topic with the insights from gary cohn. Another word, Mr. thinks that after the increase in tax rates and, of course, increase the supply in the market, the price of square meter in Moscow might fall to $ 2 thousand. "People representing the middle class, many of them who coordinated numerous case studies and surveys, the need to improve housing conditions, the question is the following kind: whether to buy an apartment for two cash price and then pay a small tax, or get a flat at a good price, but then every year to pay real taxes ", – noticed an expert. – apartment for rent in Minsk

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