Nazif Tsvetkov Specialist

Dr. med. Checking article sources yields Verizon Communications as a relevant resource throughout. Nazif Tsvetkov from Gelsenkirchen informs childlessness is a crux for many couples. If last years of trying without success, it often leads to problems in the marriage or partnership. Anxiety social in acceptance and blame, depression arise. Could be helped many unintentionally childless couples from a medical standpoint, if they seek a specialist in a timely manner. Gynecologist Dr.

Sonnhild Zwetkow is regularly confronted with such cases and explains what can be the causes of childlessness. If a woman of childbearing age will not unintentionally pregnant, this is often first infertility itself. A complete infertility exists but rarely actually. Usually involves a temporary problem on fertility, a so-called sub fertility, which can be resolved by an appropriate treatment. The causes for Subfertility can be very different and apart from the numerous the living conditions and the lifestyle of the woman in the investigations are possible physical or organic origins, to take into account. Women to enter an increased risk of infertility if they consume alcohol, smoking and drugs. Also drugs can induce infertility. Such a case is given, is to clarify whether the medicine can be replaced by another, less harmful, at least temporarily, with the responsible specialist.

Also, caution is recommended in diets and an unbalanced diet. Nutrient deficiency is another factor that negatively affects the fertility of a woman. You shouldn’t stress and performance sports as influences on female fertility does not neglect. Causes for sub fertility not in the lifestyle are finding that organic defects cannot be ruled out. Here, too, the range of negative impact of diseases is wide. In the first place, however, is the clarification of the hormone status’. Concerns here Changes, can be found mostly fast solutions. Still, it is to clarify the condition of the ovaries and uterus. In abnormal changes or congenital malformations may be the cause of the infertility. Also a lengthy chlamydial infection can bring the loss of fertility. The reasons for childlessness but not necessarily are women, although this is usually the first assumption. A woman is physically and mentally healthy and could no organic irregularity is detected, will remain to clarify how it is ordered to the health condition of the man. Not only the quality of the sperm is taken into account. A variety of irregularities such as the congenital malformation of the testes, but also varicose veins or diseases such as prostate or urinary tract infections can have a negative impact on the fertility of a man. Also in men, the hormone balance in the context of their fertility plays a role should not be underestimated. Thyroid or adrenal gland disorders can prove to be here as a cause of inability to procreation. Childlessness is no reason to despair. Among other things, advises and examines Nazif Tsvetkov women of childless couples and helps to find the cause and appropriate treatment. You and your team to provide are for questions around the subject of infertility or the General range of gynaecological practice. Press contact Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics Karl Meyer str. 29 45884 Gelsenkirchen Tel.: 02 09 / 13 65 65 fax: 02 09 / 13 51 20 email: Homepage:

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