Near Zone Clients

The fire, that has burned 10 hectares, is already controlled. The clients began to return to the camping at the very end of afternoon. The evacuation has been " preventivo" , caused by the smoke that arrived at the camping. An ample device already is had displaced to the zone to begin the extinction of the fire. The Civil Guard has evacuated east Sunday to the 150 clients of the camping the Small house of San Roque (Cadiz) by a registered near fire in the Mountain range of Coffer, according to has informed a spokesman into the service of emergencias 112. The Infoca already has given by stabilized the fire, that has burned one ten hectares, and the clients have begun to return to the camping at the very end of afternoon. The evacuation has been a measurement " preventiva" , according to the service of emergencias, and from the installation they have needed that the clients have left by the smoke that the west wind takes until the camping.

The Council of Environment has explained that the fire has taken place in the property ' The Doctora' , and that towards the place is displaced a coordination airplane, two helicopters heavy, three light helicopters and two hydroplanes with capacity for 4,000 liters each. Environment has indicated that the zone that has burned is of scrub, although not yet has the exact number on the burned surface. In the zone are in addition 70 people who participate in the extinction tasks, seven detents, two trucks with capacity for 4,000 liters and one airplane with capacity for 11.000. The equipment also includes technicians of extinction and members of the brigade of wild fire investigation, that tries to explain the cause of the fire. The material equipment is completed with machines to assure the perimeter. The service of emergencias 112 received a call alerting of the fire on the 15:15 hours of this Sunday, reason why it gave warning to the Infoca, to the Civil Guard, Firemen, Local Police and Civil defense of San Roque. Source of the news: 150 homeless people of a camping in Cadiz by a fire in a near zone

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