New Kupferbrater In The Range

Fancy Kupferbrater from Italy in the assortment of Josef Lichtenberg staff of Josef Lichtenberg shipping trade from Konigswinter ( are shipping always on the lookout for new high-quality products for the home and yard. As for example the new “Schweinchenbrater”. Since the staff of Josef Lichtenberg not astonished shipping trade, when they suddenly discovered this beautiful Kupferbrater in the form of a lying pig stroll through the American site of their suppliers Ruffoni (Italy)! The next day, come up with their hectic demand equal to the answer: Yes, a new article, only for the American market, but if they had interest – of course they had! So, the first Italian pigs copper soon joined their journey after Germany and are now available in the online shop. The roasters are made of solid copper, which interior is tinned food. Thus, a very good thermal conductivity while protecting the food prior to chemical reactions is given. In addition, this article is very decorative and adorns the country house kitchen as well as a buffet in the restaurant.

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