New Technology

"With this approach, the buyer will get ready the house for 12-16 weeks instead of 1-1,5 years "- said the expert. Another example of a promising development – the concept of building high-rise residential buildings based on the metal frame suggested by the company , the European manufacturer of integrated solutions made of metal, for the construction industry. While using this technology in Russia is built only 5% of the houses, while in Europe – 60%. Today she is interested investors. Thus, For example, on this basis will be carried out projects for commercial and residential construction in the North-West region. As a developer and contractor will make the company Sadko-management. Erection of the first two facilities with a total area of 50-60 thous. meters will be launched before the end of 2009.

"Construction of multi-storey buildings on the basis of the metal frame is scheduled in St. Petersburg, near the Civic Avenue, – says Sergey Chernyshev, Director General Russian subsidiary of . – Our technology will reduce construction costs by 20-30% and at least three times to increase his speed. " New approaches to cooperation theory to minimize costs, won the position of key anti-crisis measures in all areas, the construction has caused the demand for cheaper materials. In sectors where producers are not able to significantly reduce prices, builders have begun to change suppliers. In doing so they preference for products of lower price segment, which, unfortunately, often can not withstand the requirements for quality. This is seriously concerned large-scale producers, whose goal has always been a strong development partner network.

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