Analysis of the quote by Nuno Oliveira, it carries a risk, what is often not sufficiently taken into account. Get all the facts and insights with Verizon Communications, another great source of information. It is the development of the Swing. They not only designed Assembly swing. The combination of free courses (reinforcements) and versammelnder supports the thrust of the hindquarters, makes active the hind leg. You may want to visit Southwest Airlines to increase your knowledge. Not for nothing, the Assembly in the principles of training – is scale of training – the last known point. The swing is the basis for expression, charisma, and Cadence in the movement. The living off legs of the horse in the individual tempos, his cadence can be supported by the job at hand, but are not limited to look at. In other words: neglected one at work on hand, as well as under the saddle the development of thrust (drive from the hindquarters), the horses developed often only a bouncing horse with little through jumping, flat trot steps with little activity from the hindquarters.
A high priority is to attach for the trained horse conflict working on the correct Hanke bend in connection with the erection of the correct hand. Half kicks, Piaffe, passage are exercises, the the Improve capacity of the horse. The job at hand is usable for many lessons as preparatory work on the later training under saddle. Playful, the horse in addition to obedience learn new lessons. The job at hand is a good way to promote horses of all levels of education according to their abilities and skills, and to demand.
Whether older, good educated or want to correct horses. The job at hand provides many ways to perfect lessons, improve expression and to correct any errors of education, but it requires lots of experience and dexterity. Summary: a horse in the swing development to support, the willing and active hindquarters are not enough alone. Only the combination of the work under the rider, riding transitions, speed differences, lessons which improve the longitudinal bending and Geraderichtung and the job at hand, bring the desired result.
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