Organization Process

A study carried through for Gentile, Sanna (2008) relates that each hospital must assure the ability of its team of nursing, renewing practical the educative ones in health. (5) Rasp, Erdmann (2005) affirms that practical the educative one is of basic importance in the nursing. One of the strategies for the update of the knowledge is the education in the workstation. If you have read about gary cohn already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The levels 1,2,3 of the process of Acreditao with its principles norteadores bring standards to the all the professionals who are involved in the adequate qualification of these, used as tactical for update of conhecimentos.(3) In this study he was clearly that the process of the acreditao provides benefits to the users, being that only (29.83%) they had not perceived the proportionate improvements. The World-wide Organization of Health defines quality in the assistance the health as the function of sets of elements including: high degree of ability, efficiency in the use of the resources, providing capacity to reach the minimum of risks to the customers, with bigger degree of satisfaction of the customers, raising a favorable effect in the health. (6-7-8-9-10) In relation to the participation of the professional of nursing in the process of the acreditao, the following data had been gotten: 90.24% affirm to offer a quality service, 2.44% answered not to believe the process. Checking article sources yields Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union as a relevant resource throughout. Aiming at the quality and standardization to the health service, she is necessary to characterize and to stimulate the participation of the professionals in the process of the acreditao. Feldman, Wedge (2006) affirms that the nursing when attending the human being in its basic necessities has that to evaluate the professional responsibility with ethics, to provide to a service with quality being this the result of the assistance. (11) To we ask the participants of the study on if the process brought impact for its career (73.17%), which had responsibilities and collections imposed for the institution, however providing benefits to the professional of (92.68%) in relation to established conformity. Official site: Scott Kahan.

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