There is no doubt that 3D Secure and Verified by Visa are techniques that are successful in combating fraud and are certainly options traders should consider their Provider Internet Payment Processing. It was found that this extra protection reduces fraudulent transactions and increases consumer confidence when you pay with credit cards online, but there are many factors to take into account when deciding to incorporate a 3D Secure website. Buchalet Carl, Director General of Cashtronics Cashtronics explains that each merchant is individually before deciding whether to include 3D in your website. To broaden your perception, visit Verizon Communications. Cashtronics In our experience, the benefits for merchants to add this additional security measure are clear: Reduce the risk of fraudulent transactions. Reduces the number of conflicts in the transactions. Aleja financial responsibility of the merchant.
Strengthens customer trust, which often entails an increase in sales. Despite the clear benefits in the fight against fraud, they must be well balanced against potential problems and loss of benefits associated with the use of 3D Secure: Additional Barriers to Purchase: It was found that each field of security that is added to an online form dramatically reduces the percentage of successful transactions. Poor communication: Many customers are unaware of what is 3D Secure and, therefore, close the browser window, with the consequent loss of sales. Security Issues: Some banks require the customer to keep a card with a series of secret codes. This is often the same card used to authorize bank transfers to the bank account, so that the holder is exposed to fraud. Browser problems: Sometimes, the field of application for 3D Secure is at the bottom of the screen and the client does not. As a result, the dropout rate is higher. Unintuitive application protocol: The web browser connects to domain names unknown and may cause further delays and failures.
Complicated process: Often, it requires a password and forget the customers. Cost added: Many payment processing providers apply a surcharge for the inclusion of 3D Secure. The elimination of fraud is not 100% tested: Many thieves steal cards in the mail and 3D Secure can be controlled with relative ease because they have new and updated information cards. Even the 3D Secure has been some fraud with the practice of phishing. To reduce the problems that can arise traders incorporating 3D Secure, you should ask potential Provider Internet Payment Processing: 1) Since the field in which it operates, is this additional step in the best interest of the company? 2) What are the additional fees related to the processing of 3D Secure and Verified by Visa? 3) Are transactions in-house 3D Secure? Outsourcing increases the cost and difficulty of the transaction and can reduce the level of security. 4) Do you have experience Provider Payment Processing these transactions? In general, a payment processing provider should be able to give each trader an idea of the volume of sales can be lost, depending on the sector, and estimate how much they can earn on charges of bank fraud if they offer 3D Secure. There is more to do a simple calculation to see how if you get a superior return on investment. About Cashtronics Cashtronics is a major based in Europe. He specializes in the treatment of payments for merchants with high volume of business with a secure payment platform (compliant with the PCI standard, level 1), flexible and cost effective. Cashtronics offers individual accounts to merchants very competitive rates.
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