Repair Of Mobile – Water Damage

Mobile – professional water damage repaired. Once a cell phone water damage who, knows the problem: If the device is broken, many data stored on it are no longer accessible. Phone numbers, addresses, or music, all this may be just off photos and videos for damage caused by water. The company specialises in cheap and quick to repair water damage to cell phones. If the device comes from Apple, LG, HTC, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson or another manufacturer, does not matter at all. All models are repaired with special resources and tools, so that the components are not damaged. Different reasons for a cell phone water damage a cell phone can have water damage very different causes. If the device is in the water, the damage is often relatively low, if it ends up in drinking water in the bathtub.

Should the phone, however, have fallen in salt water, major damage can arise in a short time there Salt water is very aggressive. Such repairs take a little longer then. In contrast to it may cause also a so-called liquid damage. This happens when liquids or drinks in the mobile access, for example, when someone has accidentally tipped over a glass or a cup and was the phone right next to it. Differently than with a normal water damage are attacked not only the various components, it can here also to mechanical problems, if about the buttons stick and can not more reasonably be used. It can be finally also a moisture damage. With high humidity, it may be that moisture in the device itself condensed and attack on this way the components inside. Just then, if you had the phone in your pocket or in a jacket and you sweat or gets wet due to rain, such moisture damage can occur.

No matter what problem it is, HDSH Heuer is helped in cell phone owners. The company offers in addition to the cell phone repair water damage also the replacement of components, which are no longer to repair. Should the phone be defective or damaged to some extent, this is bought directly in many cases. Before the service, customers receive a cost estimate, as well as a photo of the device, which can be important for the insurance of course. Individual steps of repair which allows the repair process after roughly the following steps refers. The individual functions are tested after receipt of the phone, before it is broken down into individual parts. In this way, you can edit all components and water damage repaired. After disassembly, all components can be treated with special substances and devices. So, it may be necessary for example to insert some components in a fluid enriched with chemical agents. Then, the respective parts are dried again; of course, this is done with great care. Finally, the respective components are tested then once individually before they are reassembled. In the event that certain components can no longer be repaired, these can be replaced of course functional components. There are both new and already used parts on sale. Subsequently, the mobile is then packed and sent to the customer. Overall, such repair may take up to five business days after damage caused by water. Of course, not every mobile phone can be repaired again. Sometimes, certain components are just too damaged. Still worth a visit to in any case, if your own phone water damage suffered was drawn through a mobile phone. HDSH Heuer – M. Zeiler – info(at)

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