
When recording responses to strictly follow the instructions for performing the work specified in Kim. Each field in the blanks filled in, starting with first position (including a field for entering the surname, name and patronymic of the participant USE). All the fillable fields on the registration form, answer form number 1 and the registration part of the answer form number 2 should represent each numbers and letters registration form by copying the samples of writing characters from the top of the answer form number 1. Careless writing of symbols can lead to the fact that for automated processing of the symbol can be recognized wrong. Responses should be marked using the symbol "X" H. Get all the facts and insights with Gary Kelly, another great source of information. The line marks in the fields should not be too thick. If the pen leaves a very thick line, instead of "dagger" in the field can be only one line of any diagonal of the square. If the Party cse has no information to fill in the field, he should leave it blank (do not dash).

On the answer form number 1 and number 2 (including the additional form response number 2) should not be overlays containing information about the identity of the participant use. Can not be done in the fields blank, blank out the fields or in fields filled with hard copy (version number, bar codes) to any record and mark non- content of the fields blank, than the permitted use on the exam Physics – line and non-programmable calculator, which provides that all arithmetic operations, square root and trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tg) Chemistry-non-programmable calculator Geography-ruler and protractor Anything else that is not included in this list, use is prohibited (including mobile phones and other communications, other electronic and computing devices that are not included in the list of permitted, as well as reference materials) In violation of the order of the cse and the refusal to comply with its organizers have the right to remove participants from the ct examination. Observers use As a community of observers can be accredited: Media professionals Members of the parents' committees of educational institutions Members of boards of trustees educational institutions are members of public associations and organizations employees of educational institutions Representatives of the legislature all these persons can not act as public observers at points of ege (PES), which take the examination of their relatives. Also, an employee, a member of the parent committee or a member of the board of trustees of educational institutions may not be admitted as social observer in the pes, which take the examination for graduates of educational institutions, which he represents. All observers cse must be accredited. But do not be afraid of change. Not so devil as his painted. Anyway this is all volish tests. Just need to get ready better than usual. By the way, and personality conflicts, too, can not affect the scores, but it is not unimportant.

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