The projects submitted must comply with the regulations in the field of intellectual property, in particular the Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 December, which approves the text consolidated in the law of intellectual property, and its implementing regulations. Article 2. Lead time. 1. Activities should be developed between January 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. Investment must therefore be performed within this period. 2.
The amount of this aid shall apply only to the expenses incurred directly in the projects for which aid, with specifications that are identified in article 5 of this call is granted. The issuance of the supporting documents for expenditure (invoices) will have as deadline of March 31, 2012 and (proof of payment) payment will be as deadline of June 30, 2012. Article 3. Budgetary allocation. Aid granted be met from the appropriations of the budget of expenditure of the Ministry of culture for 2011 listed below, with an indication of the maximum amount attributable to each concept: budgetary application maximum amount chargeable (euro) 24.06.
334C. 772 5.625.00 0 item 4. Beneficiaries. 1 May be beneficiaries of aid of reference professionals enrolled in the special scheme for self-employed workers and companies of Spanish nationality or of any Member State of the European Union, or of States signatories of the agreement on the European economic area, regardless of its legal form, devoted to the production, distribution and/or marketing of cultural goods in the following fields: graphic design, fashion design and advertising.
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