Rurup Pension – Scheme Of The Hinterbliebenschutz

This article deals with the current regulation of survivor’s protection at the Rurup pension. Who sign up for the conclusion of a long-running insurance contract today decides would also always like to know how the survivors in case of death are secured or gain access to the deposited money. So this question with certainty in a consultation will be made pension sooner or later the Rurup. Although pension there is a safeguard of the bereaved, however not to the extent as it is of other insurance products from a Rurup. But why is that? The Rurup pension was designed in 2005 within the framework of the old age pension Act. Served as a model for the development of the Rurup pension the statutory pension insurance.

So, only a lifetime annuity payment must be from a Rurupvertrag. Even when the survivor’s protection, the legislature has geared to the pension insurance scheme. So count on a Rurup pension as a surviving dependants within the meaning of the statutory provision of only the spouse, as well as the minor non-working children. With this regulation the question should be for a wide variety of policyholders already sufficiently answered after survivor’s hedge. Because the trend is however more and more to the partnership as the traditional marriage, the survivor’s regulation of the Rurup is rather unsatisfactory pension for these persons. Because a Rurupsparer dies during the accumulation phase or the retirement, so pension can request from the Rurup a survivor benefit currently only a spouse or children. The Rurupsparer at the time of death with only a life partner living together, so no survivor benefit can be claimed. In this case, an otherwise secure would have to be taken in advance. Many insurance companies offer solutions but also for this case. For more information on the survivor’s protection and the Rurup pension you can find Markus Kohler also see

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