It sends different messages from these people with the information required and in different time intervals (days, weeks or months), according to is programmed. Each shipment can be designed with the necessary information for the occasion, and is ideal to distribute courses in several deliveries by email. We see what it happens when a visitor (in this case Juan ) makes a question by email or one subscribes by form: When receiving the consultation of Juan, this one will receive in its mailbox of mail the first message programmed for this aim that could well be of welcome. On the following day, Juan will receive from automatic form a second message with different information from the message of the previous day, the third day the next one that corresponds and so on until ending the sequence of shipments. Hosting: The lodging Web (in English Web hosting) is the service that provides to the users with Internet a system to be able to store information, images, video, or any accessible content via Web. The Web Host is companies that provide space of a servant to their clients. ropY1%3D505%26cropY2%3D3511’>Daniel Lubetzky to gain a more clear picture of the situation. ( Source) the lodging Web is divided in six types: gratuitous, shared, virtual remarketers, servants, servants dedicated and of positioning. gratuitous Lodging: The gratuitous lodging is extremely limited when is compared it with the payment lodging.
These services add publicity in the sites and generally have a space and limited traffic. shared Lodging (shared hosting): In this type on watch clients of several sites in a same servant lodge, thanks to the configuration of the program Web server. Is a very good alternative for small and medium clients, are an economic service and have good yield. Lodging of images: This type of lodging is offered to keep your images in Internet, the majority of these services is gratuitous and the pages are worth of the publicity placed in their page when raising the image.
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